Archiv 20. Februar 2009

Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Endziel: Permanente Depression?

And the poor Japanese have been waiting 19 years to get to the beginning of the end of their restructuring crisis. They probably would have gotten to it years ago, were it not for the diligent efforts of Japanese politicians. Instead of letting the banks fail, they bailed them out and propped them up. Result: an on-again, off-again depression that has lasted longer than most marriages.

Quelle: The United States: The Largest Ponzi Scheme in the World

Labels: Funny, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Der Fluch von Suburbia

It was determined a half century ago that home ownership was a good thing. Since then, the government has bent the rules in favor of the homeowner – with artificially low mortgage rates…and substantial tax benefits. As an unforeseen consequence, the feds helped create the biggest mortgage-backed credit bubble in history. Not only that, they changed to geography of America – with vast suburbs stretching out in all directions, rather than cheaper and more efficient tightly packed apartment buildings.

Quelle: The United States: The Largest Ponzi Scheme in the World

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Pseudo-Arrays in MS-DOS Batch-Dateien

Natürlich gibt es so etwas auch in der Microsoft-Welt, ist aber bedeutend hässlicher als bei bash & Co:

FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=|" %%G IN ("eins|zwei|drei|vier") DO @echo Werte: %%G %%H %%I %%K

Wer die Werte nicht aus einem String, sondern aus einer Datei auslesen möchte, passt den Befehl leicht an:

FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=;" %%G IN (datei.txt) DO @echo Wert: %%G

Via: FOR /F

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Labels: Linux

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Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Der Mann mit dem Durchblick

From what we can tell, Nakagawa is the only G7 finance minister who should stay on the job. The rest of them clearly don’t know what’s going on. Otherwise, they’d be drunk too.

Quelle: Obama’s Bailout: Too Little, Too Late?

Labels: Funny, Wirtschaft

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