Sonntag, 29. April 2007, 22:06 Uhr

"Massagen" in Washington D.C.

Anchor man: Why does she want these names made public?

Correspondent: She has been charged by federal prosecutors with running a prostitution service. She says it wasn’t prostitution, it was fantasy sex, a legal sex and she wants to call of her [proun?] clients to testify. One, she says, is hypocritical of the government to go after her and the women who work for her, and two she wants them to testify as to whether there was or was not sex. […] There are thousands of names, tens of thousands of phone numbers, and there are people there at the Pentagon, Lobbyists others at the White House, prominent lawyers – a long, long list. […]

Quelle: White House Officials Involved in Prostitution Scandal

Genialer Schachzug der Betreiberin von DC Madams. Keiner der (meist verheirateten) Herren wird nur im entferntesten auf die Idee kommen, etwas anderes als Massagen bezahlt und erhalten zu haben … Wahrscheinlich haben die meisten eine Massage gar abgelehnt und mit den Damen äusserst tiefgründige Gespräche geführt.

Labels: Politik, USA

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