[…] Britain’s transition to a knowledge- and service-based economy depends on cheaply importing food that it long ago lost the capacity to grow. The Malthusian nightmare – of world population outstripping food supply and reversing the ‘development’ process – has been dispelled many times by rises in farm productivity. But with that rising population now looking to fill its tanks with biofuel from the same land that yields its biological fuel, the post-industrial world may soon turn back into an agricultural society, with unfamiliar exposure to the turn of the seasons and the vagaries of sun and rain.
Quelle: The last straw? Alongside debt, rising food prices threaten industrial growth
Und dann haben wir nämlich den Seich: Weil wir mit dem Erdöl-Exzess auch noch gleich unser Klima über Jahrzehnte hinweg verändert haben, wird das Bauern in Zukunft äusserst spannend, um nicht zu sagen: immer am Rand des Abgrundes.
„I asked them when the season ends and was told that such questions are becoming more difficult to answer. Farmers know that predictable patterns in weather are becoming a thing of the past. How does the global food supply system deal with such changing risk?“
Quelle: The looming food crisis
Ein solch regnerischer Sommer wie in diesem Jahr würde einen Grossteil der Überbevölkerung auf die grösste fremderwirkte Diätkur setzen, die wir in unserem modernen Staat je gesehen haben.
Doch zuerst der 1. Akt
Zuerst lassen wir aber die vom Schicksal gezeichneten Amerikanischen Bauern wieder einmal so richtig Gewinn machen:
A year or two ago, almost all the land where maize is now being grown to make ethanol in the US was being farmed for human or animal food. And because America exports most of the world’s maize, its price has doubled in 10 months, and wheat has risen about 50%.
Quelle: The looming food crisis