Archiv 23. Mai 2008

Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Neue Karre – Knarre inklusive

the Butler, Missouri auto dealership is offering a free handgun to anyone in the market for a new car or truck.

Quelle: American auto dealer offers free handguns | The Register

Labels: Funny, USA

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Der Dollar hat Blasenschwäche

The dollar bubble is going to burst, and that is inevitable.

Quelle: A Dollar Crash Will Have Disastrous Implications for Global Financial Markets

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008


Wo es Verkuppler gibt, müssen auch die Entkuppler (Scheidungsanwälte?) nicht weit sein. Doch genug gestusst, worauf ich eigentlich heraus will:

First, have you heard that word: “decoupling?” We were afraid to use it; we thought it described the end of a porno movie.

Quelle: Consumer Prices for the Essentials are Skyrocketing

Labels: Funny

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Das Leben wird teurer

a 4-pint bottle of milk has gone up 16.5% in the United Kingdom. The price of milk from the farm has soared nearly three times as much – 45.8%. Or take bread. Wheat is up 56.9% over the last year. But a loaf of bread has only gone up only 8.5%. Crude oil is 62% more expensive today than it was a year ago. But a can of oil…or petroleum products generally, at the retail level…are up only 25.4%.

Quelle: Consumer Prices for the Essentials are Skyrocketing

Haben die Detaillisten die Preise nur deshalb nicht der tatsächlichen Preisentwicklung angepasst, weil sie bereits ein Ende der Verteuerung der Rohstoffe sehen?

Labels: Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Die Ölpreis-Rally geht ununterbrochen weiter

China and India are only beginning to consume oil at any meaningful level. Right now, they are consuming oil at a rate the U.S. did in the early years of the 20th century.

Quelle: Has Oil Hit Its Peak Price?

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Labels: Energie, USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Von den Kommunisten Kapitalismus lernen

So weit sind wir also schon gekommen …

America wanted to secure its access to cheap oil, […] The price of oil was only $25 a barrel when the war began in September of 2003. Yesterday, it hit $130 a barrel. And the war itself is expected to cost the nation $1 trillion or more. For all its efforts, the United States secured the most expensive energy in world history.

China, meanwhile, decided to take the capitalist road. Instead, of using military force to get oil, it simply bought it on the open market. […]

Quelle: Why Those Who Praise Capitalism Have So Little faith in It

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Das RTC mag Mails mit PNG-Dateien nicht

Krass, sowas habe ich ja noch nie erlebt:

host[] said: 550 Error: Sorry,
    we do not accept .png file types. Wir weisen png-Dateien ab. (in reply to
    end of DATA command)

… ein Wunder, dass sie überhaupt noch ASCII durchlassen *zwinker*

Labels: IT, Web

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