Archiv 18. Oktober 2009

Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009

Was steckt hinter den Bankprofiten?

‚You mean, JPMorgan took the feds‘ money and now is showing huge profits because it is just lending money back to the people they got it from?‘

Quelle: Is the Real Economy Growing, Expanding, and Making Money?

Geld vom Staat leihen, um es ihm gleich wieder zurückzuleihen? Tönt fast wie im vorrevolutionären Frankreich:

„[…] what they [independent financiers] often did with it in practice was to lend it to the government in short-term credits — so that the king found himself borrowing and paying interest on his own money.“

Quelle: Doyle, William: Origins of the French Revolution, Oxford, 3rd ed., 1999, S. 51.

Was 1789 folgte, haben wir alle in der Grundschule gelernt …

Labels: Wirtschaft

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