Archiv 7. November 2009

Samstag, 7. November 2009

Überbevölkertes Indien

„What happens if India trains all these talents and then they leave the country?“ – The answer was: „What happens, if India doesn’t train all these talents and they stay in the country?“.

Quelle: Facebook | Christoph Burgdorfer is at NASSCOM …

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Samstag, 7. November 2009

Geschenk an die nächste Generation

We might also say that there is something tawdry about insisting that modern living standards are not negotiable and must be preserved with high public sector debt. In effect, today’s policy makers are saying to the future, „Our current well-being and comfort is more important than any debt you may have to repay. We refuse to live within our means because it would inconvenience us to do so. We are too lazy and selfish to recognise our financial mistakes and pay for them. We’re going to leave that to you. Suckers!“

Quelle: More Money in Cash Right Now Than Equity in U.S. Companies

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Samstag, 7. November 2009

IT-Departemente des 21. Jahrhunderts

I was frustrated that we continually kept creating new documentation within the department, and that our servers were always filled lots of outdated and bloated Microsoft Office documents.

Quelle: Implementing an internal wiki – Dan Collins on the Powerhouse’s rollout of Confluence

IT-Departemente, die auch heute, 2009, noch eine solche dateibasierte Dokumentation in proprietären Dateiformaten pflegen, müssen schlichtwegs die schlimmsten IT-Arbeitsplätze dieser Welt sein. Keine 1’000 Pferde würden mich dazu bewegen, zu einer solchen Bude arbeiten zu gehen.

Besitzt ein IT-Departement ein anständiges Wiki, welches von seinen Mitarbeitern gehegt und gepflegt wird, ist das nicht zuletzt auch ein Ausdruck einer fortschrittlichen, offenen und ergebnisorientierten Firmekultur.


Im selben Artikel kommt auch eines der von mir am heissesten geliebten CMS unter die Räder:

However, I found that Drupal required a large investment in time to understand how all the various components and plugins fitted together. Whilst Drupal is a very flexible tool and there was never just one particular way to achieve what you were after – which has its benefits -but also posed a number of difficulties.

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