Archiv 28. November 2009

Samstag, 28. November 2009

Twilight für Ü30-Frauen

Offenbar habe ich wieder einmal eine sehr wichtige, tiefgreifende Entwicklung in Hollywood verpasst — Twilight? Was zum Teufel ist das?

I work in a cinema and i’ve quickly learned that between 40-50% of the Twilight audience is women between 30-50, which is both interesting and hilarious[…] I do find it hilarious in the scene where Jason takes his shirt off. I was standing in the kiosk on the opening night and all I could hear was this wave of screams and giggles coming from the screening (at first I thought something was up, until someone told me it was just Jason getting shirtless again).

The films are brilliantly marketed towards a certain type of woman, and I think for the older ones it reminds me of their first loves or times yonder, and of course for the younger girls it’s just a mixture of handsome vampire/wolves and pretty girls. Also, I had a few guys ask me when I was ushering if I could pretend their ticket was invalid so they wouldn’t have to watch it with their girlfriend. Every guy I saw going into the Twilight screening had that familiar look of death in his eyes, where for a rare moment in their movie/tv lives, they were about to watch a film which had no interest whatsoever in gaining a male audience. The only thing a guy will get out of seeing Twilight is a sense of self-loathing and one or two confused boners.

Quelle: Twilight Moms : pics

Aber ich helfe wetten, dass Randal übermorgen Sonntagnachmittag an meiner Tür klingelt und mich fragt, ob ich ihn ins Westside begleite und mit ihm Twilight schauen komme … Ich werde dankend ablehnen.

Der ist auch ganz gut:

Today, we salute you, Twilight Moms
The last time you screamed and cried this much was for the Beatles.

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