Archiv 26. März 2020

Donnerstag, 26. März 2020

Corona KW13: Medienschau


“Massachusetts (not shown here) had been a contender, after reaping the bitter harvest of a super-spread incident involving, somewhat ironically, a biotech conference.”

Quelle: Hottest Battlegrounds in the CoronaWar: Is “Social Distancing” Kicking In?

“one person[’s antibodies in their blood plasma] can treat two people.”

Quelle: COVID-19’s Stop-Gap Solution Until Vaccines and Antivirals Are Ready


“If emergency rooms and ICUs are overloaded from COVID-19, we will see more deaths from everything else: from traffic accidents, heart attacks, infections, seasonal influenza, falls and traumas—basically anything that requires an emergency-room response to survive.”

Quelle: A Failure of Systemic Thinking

… aber gleichzeitig auch:

Social distancing is slowing not only Covid-19, but other diseases too

Quelle: Social distancing is slowing not only Covid-19, but other diseases too


Gold wird knapp – wegen Tessiner Lockdown

[…] wichtige Schmelzen im Tessin [mussten] ihre Produktion herunterfahren […] “Rund 70 Prozent des weltweit geförderten Goldes wird hierzulande verarbeitet, insbesondere im Tessin, wo drei der fünf grossen hiesigen Barrenhersteller beheimatet sind.”

Quelle: Gold wird knapp – wegen Tessiner Lockdown

Quelle: The day that Bern stood still


Just wait for Trump to demand that China pay for the pandemic

Quelle: Just wait for Trump to demand that China pay for the pandemic


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