Posts Tagged ‘Keynote’

Dienstag, 17. September 2024

Nach jedem Apple Event immer dieselbe Leier …

… doch die Kritiker täuschen sich. Jedenfalls bin ich spätestens jetzt davon überzeugt, nachdem ich John Grubers Zusammenfassung des Events und die Einschätzung der Situation gelesen:

Last week’s “It’s Glowtime” event was very strong for Apple. It might have been the single strongest iPhone event since the introduction of the iPhone X. All three platforms [iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods] are now in excellent, appealing, and coherent shape: […]

[…] Under Cook, Apple produces instantly iconic designs that tend only to evolve — in mostly predictable ways, on mostly predictable schedules.

This isn’t bad for Apple, or a sign of institutional decline. If anything, under Cook, Apple more consistently achieves near-perfection. Tolerances are tighter. Ship dates seldom slip. But it’s a change that makes the company less fun to keenly observe and obsess over. Cook’s Apple is not overly cautious, but it’s never reckless. Jobs’s Apple was occasionally reckless […]

Quelle: The Things They Carried

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