Posts Tagged ‘Wirtschaftskrise’

Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009

Die Hispanics werden’s für die USA schon richten

But thank god for all the Hispanics. The feds are running up trillions in debts – much of which will be passed on to the next generation. At least the Hispanics are filling out the population – bringing millions of new debt slaves into the Land of the Free, so that old, white people can continue to live beyond their means.

Quelle: Investors Tend to Race Ahead and Ruin the Whole Thing

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Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009

Simbabwe oder Japan?

Ol‘ Merle Hazard has the key question figured out. Which will it be? Zimbabwe or Japan? Will it be runaway inflation…or deflation that refuses to run anywhere?

Quelle: Investors Tend to Race Ahead and Ruin the Whole Thing

Bald wissen wir’s. Die Wettbüros sind geöffnet.

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Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009

Die Börse zeigt nach oben, die Fundamentals nach unten

While it may be the case that the pace of economic decline is no longer as negative as it was at the peak of the post-Lehman credit contraction, the reality is that employment, output, organic personal income and retail sales are still in a fundamental downtrend.

Quelle: USA Follows the Same Downward Slide As GM

Aber das schöne an der liberalen Marktwirtschaft ist, dass sich jeder auf eine der beiden Seiten schlagen kann … und danach einfach nur noch hoffen und beten muss.

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Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009

Alles wieder gut an den Aktienmärkten! Kauft!

People who had no idea there was anything wrong with the world financial system two years ago, now say the problem has been fixed. Who fixed it? The people who had no idea what was wrong with it, of course.

Quelle: China Makes Recession Recovery

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Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009

Der kurze Wahn vom Aktienglück

„Everyone ought to be rich!“ hiess es schon in den 1920ern, als die grossen Finanzhäuser und Trusts dem kleinen Mann Aktien andrehten. Es brauchte nach der Grossen Depression einige Generationen, bis sich wieder eine Menge Dumme fanden, die ihr kleines Vermögen bereitwillig in Aktien investierten:

The proletariat began buying stocks in the ’80s. The ’shareholder nation‘ was a dream of Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan: Everyman a Capitalist.

Quelle: The New Capitalists Were Not Real Capitalists

Eine sehr gute Abhandlung über die Prämissen der letzten 30 Jahre, die Bill Bonner da präsentiert. Ganz treffend ist auch folgende Passage:

A real capitalist is eager to cut his labor costs. If hourly wages rose too high…he’d want to move to a lower-cost production center. And if the managers asked for too much – he’d fire them and get new ones.

But neither the working stiffs nor the suits shared the owners‘ interest in cutting labor costs and preparing for the future.

Nun sind wir also wieder einmal an einem Scheideweg. Wie 1930 glauben einige, dass nun bereits das Schlimmste überstanden ist und beginnen wieder damit, Aktien zuzukaufen. Mal schauen, ob nach 2009 ein weiteres 1932 folgt. Die Bärenrally hält jedenfalls ihren Knüppel bereit.

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Dienstag, 28. April 2009

Cui bono?

Business Week magazine opines that the whole bailout program is nothing more than a scheme to pick the pockets of the nation’s retirees in order to give the money to rich bankers.

Quelle: U.S. Government Doing So Many Stupid Things All At Once

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Montag, 13. April 2009

Kriegt es Japan dieses Mal auf die Reihe?

Japan says it’s going to announce another $100 billion stimulus program this week. That should do the trick. After 17 years of bailouts and stimulus programs, the Japanese should be getting good at them. But it’s a little like a guy who’s getting good at suicide – if he’s so good at it, you’d think he’d be dead by now.

Quelle: Jim Cramer Says The Depression is Over

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Labels: Wirtschaft

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Montag, 13. April 2009

Bald ist die Wirtschaft wieder kerngesund!

„NOT!“, wie es Borat sagen würde:

it begs the question: recovery to what? To Wall Street booking stupendous profits by laundering „risk“ out of bad loans with new issues of tranche-o-matic securitized paper? This I doubt, since there isn’t a pension fund left from San Jose to Bratislava that would touch this stuff with a stick, even if it could be turned out in collector’s editions of boxed sets.

Quelle: Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : The Coming Siege of Austerity

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Mittwoch, 8. April 2009

China will vom Währungsregen in die -traufe

an SDR is „a synthetic currency created by the IMF, whose value is determined as a weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound“! […]

these Chinese bastards are smart enough to reject an over-valued fiat dollar, but then being so stupid that they prefer, over gold, a basket of four fiat currencies, one of them being the damned dollar, along with their four corrupt governments, which collectively own the IMF by virtue of having funded the damned thing in the first place! Hahaha! Brilliant! Hahaha!

Quelle: Special Drawing Rights Used as the World’s Reserve Currency?

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Montag, 6. April 2009

Zum Zustand der USA

We mortgaged our future and the future has now begun.

Quelle: Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Strange Days

Kunstler prophezeit Ausschreitungen in den USA, die die Vietnam-Proteste und den amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg wie Zärtlichkeiten von frisch Verliebten aussehen lassen wird. Der Mob rüstet sich seinem Eindruck nach, um den Bonus-Babies die materiellen Besitztümer zu nehmen. Mal schauen …

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