Since World War II, productivity in the U.S. has doubled. So we should be working 20-hour work weeks, right? Well, we’re not. We’re working more (we’ve exchanged our extra time for more money). In fact, we’re working more than medieval peasants, and the 40-hour work week hasn’t changed since 1940 even though productivity levels have been growing steadily since then.
Quelle: 8 Great Anti-Hacks to Fundamentally Change Your Life | Zen Habits
Selbstverständlich ist die Argumentation etwas kurzschlüssig – verglichen zur Weltkriegsgeneration wollen wir halt den PowerMac, die Waschmaschine, zwei Autos pro Familie, den Plasma-Fernseher, die 5-Zimmer-Wohnung, die Ferien in Malle usw. usf.