Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007, 21:57 Uhr

Enterprise Software sucks?


The people who buy enterprise software aren’t the people who use enterprise software. […] The experience takes a back seat to the feature list, future promises, and buzz words.

Quelle: Why Enterprise Software Sucks

Damit meine Leser in grossen, bösen Unternehmen nicht mehr nur alleine in ihrem Cubicle rumfluchen müssen, gibt es eine beruhigende Abhilfe:

Da ich in keinem grossen Unternehmen mit standardisierter Software-Basis arbeite, kann ich mich auch nicht über Enterprise Software ärgern.


If It Looks Like a Cow, Swims Like a Dolphin and Quacks Like a Duck, It Must Be Enterprise Software

Shielded away from the bright scrutiny of the consumer marketplace and beholden only to a relatively small coterie of information technology managers who are concerned primarily with stability, security and the continual justification of their jobs and staffs, enterprise software answers to few actual users.

Quelle: If It Looks Like a Cow, Swims Like a Dolphin and Quacks Like a Duck, It Must Be Enterprise Software

Labels: Funny

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