Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007, 15:55 Uhr

Virtueller Bilderdieb und seine Forderungen

Das schlimme an folgenden Worten: Der Typ meint es wirklich ernst!


I must say, Im quite upset. I have been using images from your web site on my web site for along time now and suddenly they are gone. and I am concerned. I am using my web site to build up my business which is not easy and you changed the location or deleted them or something.

My concern is that if you do not upload the images again I might have to contact my lawyer as I am using these images for the purpose of advertising and this sudden change without warning means I have to find whre you have moved them to and get them working again.

Why would you do such a thing? i am an honest business man and small business like mine never get respect. I hope you realize it took me a long time to find images I liked. Now I have to find your images again. Please put them back right away. I don’t think you want me to call my lawyer about this.

Please contact me either at this email or at XXX to resolve this matter.

Via: Upload your images back or else!

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