The bigger carriers with deeper pockets (and more unsold seats) have kept prices relatively low while burning through cash reserves as their own fuel costs mounted. American Airlines is now losing about $3.3 million a day, and at the current rate, could burn through its $5 billion in cash reserves in as little as four years. And it has the biggest cash reserve in the industry.
Quelle: Peak Oil and the Rail Revolution
Mal schauen, ob die Erdöl-Schockwelle in den nächsten Monaten auch Europa erreicht … Auf jeden Fall erachte ich minderwertige Jobs in dieser Industrie als höchst unsicher:
Simon Fraser University professor Anthony Perl, author of the new book Transport Revolutions, predicts that in 2025, no more than 25 airports will be functional.
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There are no airline ETFs, and for good reason. It’s mostly a money losing business, with extremely slow growth rates and enormous risk and capital requirements.