Most observers have now resigned themselves to the realisation that we are most unlikely to have a “V” shaped recovery (i.e. a short, sharp recession lasting only six months or so). Many believe the extent of damage that has been inflicted on world markets ensures that we will have to endure at least a “U shaped recovery” that will not see an end to hard times for at least two years (i.e. a recovery sometime in 2010). Some arch-bears (like NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini) are warning that what may be coming our way is an “L shaped recovery” meaning we will flat-line along the bottom in a recession/depression for many years to come before we emerge out the other end.
Ich spreche mich ganz klar für L aus. Ich bin es mir leid, von „Depressionen“ (wirtschaftlicher, nicht psychologischer Art) immer nur in Geschichtsbüchern zu lesen …