Freitag, 16. Oktober 2009, 21:50 Uhr

Investiere in das, was du schon kannst

Only problem is we’re all very bad at something, which we may or may not be aware of. It may be graphic design. Maybe finance. Or managing a group of people to get them to do what you want. What do we do then?

The simple answer is to improve. We’re so bad at this skill that if we work at it, we can improve it and it will be better. And that’s often a good idea.

The better idea is to delegate: find someone who’s a rock star at that skill you suck so badly at. But to do that, you have to trust that others an help you. Which is difficult since you’re a control freak, remember?

Quelle: » C4[3]: Each decision is an opportunity to fuck up

Vor Kurzem habe ich an einem anderen Ort über die eigenen Schwächen gelesen. Das Fazit lautete: Ein Mensch profitiert in der heutigen arbeitsteiligen Welt deutlich mehr, wenn er seine Stärken weiter ausbaut, als wenn er seine Schwächen auf’s Mittelmass zu heben versucht. Zeitverschwendung, sozusagen.

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