Posts Tagged ‘Beratung’

Samstag, 29. Mai 2010

Von Anwälten, Richtern und Beratern

Ein paar Jahre später […] hatten Anwälte herausgefunden, dass das «Recht am eigenen Wort» wichtig geworden war in den Augen von Richtern: Ihre Kunden durften Antworten, die sie in Interviews gegeben hatten, zurückziehen, einfach so, pour le plaisir. Warum sollte das jemand tun, fragt man als normal fühlender Mensch. Weil einem Berater, Tage später, eine vielleicht bessere Antwort in den Sinn gekommen ist.

Quelle: Meine Rechte | Die Weltwoche, Ausgabe 21/2010 |

Wenn diese drei Berufsgattungen in einem Abschnitt eines Zeitungsartikels auftauchen, kann man sicher sein, dass sich der Text um die Perversität unserer heutigen Wirtschafts- und Medienwelt dreht.

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Samstag, 4. Juli 2009

LSE powered by Microsoft … er … Windows … er … .NET … er … SQL Server

Was kommt raus, wenn Microsoft zusammen mit einem Beratungsunternehmen Software schreibt?

Anyone who was ever fool enough to believe that Microsoft software was good enough to be used for a mission-critical operation had their face slapped this September when the LSE (London Stock Exchange)’s Windows-based TradElect system brought the market to a standstill for almost an entire day. […]

TradElect runs on HP ProLiant servers running, in turn, Windows Server 2003. The TradElect software itself is a custom blend of C# and .NET programs, which was created by Microsoft and Accenture, the global consulting firm. On the back-end, it relied on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Its goal was to maintain sub-ten millisecond response times, real-time system speeds, for stock trades.

[…] the LSE’s competition […] was able to deliver that level of performance and in general it was running rings about TradElect. Three guesses what MarketPrizm runs on and the first two don’t count. The answer is Linux.

[…] I can only wonder how many other Windows enterprise software failures are kept hidden away within IT departments by companies unwilling to reveal just how foolish their decisions to rely on archaic, cranky Windows software solutions have proven to be.

I’m sure the LSE management couldn’t tell Linux from Windows without a techie at hand. They can tell, however, when their business comes to a complete stop in front of the entire world.

Quelle: London Stock Exchange to abandon failed Windows platform – Computerworld Blogs

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