Posts Tagged ‘Iran’

Sonntag, 1. Juli 2007

Iran vor dem Kollaps?

[…] Notice that Iran is spending 38% of its national budget (almost 15% of GDP!) on gasoline subsidies!

[…] There is almost 14% unemployment among college graduates. Iran looks to me like Russia did in 1988. They were in the process of self-destruction, although few recognized it at the time. Iran is a matter of time.

Quelle: Iran Runs Out of Gas and Self Destructing, Stand Aside Also $250 Billion in Subprime Mortgage Losses

Dann müssen die Falken in Washington ja nur noch ein wenig zuwarten – und dann in einem Katzensprung aus dem Irak nach Iran übersetzen, um sich die im Land brachliegenden Ölfelder unter den Nagel zu reissen.

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