Posts Tagged ‘PC’

Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

Manche basteln auch heute noch Computer zusammen

So I decided it was time to build myself a nice Sandy Bridge system. What I ended up with is easily the best case and motherboard combination I’ve ever laid hands on. Read on!

Quelle: Coding Horror: Building a PC, Part VII: Rebooting

Ich verstehe nicht, wie Leute auch heute, im Juli 2011, immer noch selber Computer zusammenschrauben. Aber sobald man aus der Wintel-Ecke kommt, scheint man unendlich viel Zeit zu haben.

Ich hingegen bevorzuge Apple-Komplettpakete. Kaufen, liefern lassen, auspassen, einstöpseln — und danach produktiv arbeiten, ohne sich um Details wie passende CPUs, Motherboards und RAM-Bestückungen zu kümmern.

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Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Eine 500-fränkige Tastatur, bitte!

Over 90% of all full size keyboards today use this type of switch. Back in the 1980’s, when the first IBM PC clones were popping up, the companies making them knew that to compete with IBM they had to be cheaper. And one of the ways they were able to do this was by cheapening the keyboard. At the time, the Model M alone added around $250 to the cost of the PC ($500 when adjusted for inflation), and the Model F that came before it cost even more than that. And that’s how rubber domes really took off.

Quelle: Mechanical Keyboard Guide – –

Diesen Blog-Artikel schreibe ich übrigens auf einem legendären Apple Extended Keyboard II (Model M3501) …

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