Archiv 5. Januar 2007

Freitag, 5. Januar 2007

Wir haben endlich eine Nationalbibliothek!

Die Schweizerische Landesbibliothek heisst ab 1.1.2007 Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek.

Web-Site: NB – Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek

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Freitag, 5. Januar 2007

Klimaerwärmung: Das Wettbüro hat geöffnet!

Urs Paul Engeler und seine Vasallen können ihre Skepsis nun auch in finanziellen Erfolg umwandeln – das Wettbüro ist offen:

[…] There are many reasons why I believe a climate futures market could be useful. Firstly, it would enable us to find the real consensus view. Commentators who act in bad faith (either through exaggerating the chances of climate change, or understating it) might find the likelihood of financial loss would motivate more honesty. Interestingly, Julian Simon thought that such a market „would thus no doubt often serve as a corrective to alarmist stories about impending doom“ but I have also found that climate change sceptics are remarkably reluctant to back their proclaimed beliefs by betting against significant climate change. […]

Quelle: Betting on Climate Change

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Freitag, 5. Januar 2007

Klimaerwärmung? Mumpiz!

ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in an effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday. […]

Quelle: Group: ExxonMobil Paid to Mislead Public

Toll, wo da Kollege Nienze wieder angeheuert hat …

Verglichen mit dem Profit (36 Milliarden USD 2005) dieses fragwürdigen Konzerns sind 16 Millionen aber kaum mehr als ein verschämt tiefes Trinkgeld …

Äusserst interessant ist nebenbei noch die Feststellung eines Kommentierenden auf Digg, der Verbindungen zu anderen „Leugnern“ entdeckt hat:

If you look up the names of some of the recipients of these funds you’ll find they are the same names as those denying the dangers of smoking on behalf of the tobacco industry a few years ago. […]

Quelle: How ExxonMobil paid to deceive the public through science, ideology

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