The mantra of Lehman Brothers was to pay its staff in stock – some 30 per cent of the bank’s equity was held by employees and many bonuses were paid in shares. Now those holdings are all but worthless.
[…]“Some have more than £100 on their pre-pay canteen cards, [so] they’re buying hundreds of bars of chocolate, bags of roasted coffee and anything that’s non-perishable,” said one employee.
Quelle: print article
Ganz doof, wenn man nun zur Konkurrenz wechseln möchte (AIG soll sichere Arbeitsplätze bieten, ein Sessel bei Merill Lynch hält wohl auch noch einige Tage/Wochen, bis die Motorsägen aus dem Hauptquartier der Bank of America eingeflogen werden) – im digitalen Leben gibt es nichts handfestes mehr, dass sich von den Bürotischen abräumen lässt:
[…] In the old days you’d just pick up your Rolodex and you’d bugger off. Now everything in your life is with the company,”