Samstag, 1. März 2008, 3:21 Uhr

Amis lassen Hypothek sausen

Credit bureau analyses of consumer payment data show that financially squeezed borrowers have begun paying their credit card and car bills before their mortgages. That’s a striking reversal from the norm, one that reflects rising desperation. It suggests that some people essentially have given up trying to stay current with their mortgages and instead are focused on using credit cards to squeak by.

More Americans using credit cards to stay afloat

Hmmm, gibt es da nicht eine von kompetenten Managern geführte Schweizer Bank, die sich massiv in das us-amerikanische Hypotheken-Geschäft eingekauft hat?

Was?! Diese Bank schreibt rote Zahlen?! Wer hätte das gedacht …

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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