Posts Tagged ‘Finanzen’

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

Neuer Job für arbeitslose Citibanker

[…] If Ben Bernanke wants to really help Wall Street, he can hire all those bankers Citigroup is about to fire and use them to hand out all the money he’s going to print later this week. After all, these are people who are used to giving away money indiscriminately. And it will save on fuel costs for Bernanke’s fleet of helicopters.

Quelle: Global Credit Crunch Forces Aussie Stocks Down

Labels: Allgemein

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Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008

Finanzkrise kompliziert erklärt

„The far-reaching financial impact of the subprime shock is that it has contributed to a considerable increase in investor uncertainty about the appropriate valuations of a broader range of financial assets, not just subprime mortgages.“

Quelle: Bernanke Finds his Voice

Labels: USA

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Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

Ein Fall für Moskau Inkasso

According to one industry journal, the coming crisis [in the UK] means that „debt collection agencies will need to adopt more sophisticated methods in order to deliver value back to their clients“.

Quelle: Broke Britain: millions face struggle to stay afloat as financial crisis hits home

Na, wenn das nicht gute Aussichten sind für Geld-Eintreiber wie Moskau Team … Ob Nienze in London bald ein neues Betätigungsfeld findet?

Ein Vorteil hat das ganze Eintreibe-Wesen im Vereinigten Königreich ja: Allfällige Heilungskosten für durch Inkasso-Unternehmen zugefügte Körperverletzungen werden durch den NHS – und somit durch alle Steuerzahler – bezahlt.

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Labels: Wirtschaft

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Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2007

Weimar 1923, Harare 2007

Was haben diese beiden Städte und die genannten Jahre gemeinsam? Hyperinflation!

Einige Artikel aus englischsprachigen Massenmedien:

Der absolute Hingucker hingegen war folgende Feststellung:

Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Reckons 2007 Inflation Totaled 24,000%

Quelle: The Zimbabwe Situation

Was lernen wir daraus? Liberale Ökonomen werden auf den schädlichen Staatsinterventionismus verweisen, wiederum andere würden sich die Anbindung der Währung an den Goldstandard zurückwünschen – und ich merke mir, dass Edelmetalle als Notgroschen vielleicht gar nicht mal eine so schlechte Idee wären.

Der Gipfel

Doch halt, Zimbabwe dient noch als anderes Beispiel:

While Zimbabwe ’s multiple economic problems make it an atypical case, it is the first country to run almost completely out of oil. This, in turn, gives us a look at what will happen as the consequences of expensive and scarce oil spreads around the globe.


Labels: Energie, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007

Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney

Back when Hillary Clinton described Dick Cheney as Darth Vader, a number of people pointed out that this was an unfair comparison. For example, Darth Vader once served in the military.

Here’s another reason the comparison is invalid: the contractors Darth Vader hired to build the Death Star actually got the job done.

Quelle: Darth Vader blogging

So gehört in einer Authors@Google-Präsentation mit Paul Krugman:


In other words, a fuller answer to my former neighbor would be that these days, Americans make a living selling each other houses, paid for with money borrowed from the Chinese. Somehow, that doesn’t seem like a sustainable lifestyle.

Quelle: Safe as Houses

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Labels: Funny, USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007

Billiges Geld

So free and easy were American banks and credit institutions during this period that bank robbers stopped wearing ski masks and carrying guns; all they had to do was to ask for the money like everyone else.

Quelle: Alan Greenspan’s Money Isn’t Everything

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007

Banken in der Bredouille

The banks have been creating trillions of dollars of credit […] without maintaining the proportional capital reserves to back them up.

Quelle: Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System – Staring into the Abyss

Logische Schlussfolgerung: Wir ändern die Regeln während dem Spiel!

„The Financial Services Authority must go round and check that all banks are solvent, and then it should cut the Basel capital requirement level from 8pc to about 6pc.“

Quelle: Call to relax Basel banking rules

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

Wem gehört mein Haus?

Schreckliche Situation, in der die us-amerikanischen Häuslebesitzer* und Geldverleiher stecken:

For one thing, nobody really knows where the actual ownership of the individual mortgages has actually landed. This is a major awful consequence of the scheme to disperse risk so widely in the creation of these derivatives. The scheme was so successful that now nobody knows which mortgage belongs to whom and how to begin renegotiating it. So any talk about restructuring these mortgages is absurd, since to do so would require agreement between the borrowers and the lenders. All the lawyers who ever lived would not be able to sort out this mess, and most of the money at stake would end up going to the lawyers now living if the process were to go forward.


Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Montag, 3. Dezember 2007

Wenn Häuser unerklärlicherweise immer wertvoller werden

The run-up of home prices made even less sense than the dot-com bubble — I mean, there wasn’t even a glamorous new technology to justify claims that old rules no longer applied — but somehow financial markets accepted crazy home prices as the new normal.

Quelle: Innovating Our Way to Financial Crisis

Auch in diesem Artikel in der New York Times wird das böse „R“-Wort wieder in den Mund genommen. Was sagt Google?

Google Trends: recession

Hmmm …

Der Markt steht über allem!

Wahrscheinlich hat sich der Staat immer noch zu stark in die Wirtschaft eingemischt …

At a deep level, I believe that the problem was ideological: policy makers, committed to the view that the market is always right, simply ignored the warning signs.

[…] The bottom line is that policy makers left the financial industry free to innovate — and what it did was to innovate itself, and the rest of us, into a big, nasty mess.

Gibt es wirklich eine Rezession (in den USA)? Wie schwer wird sie ausfallen? Auf Web-Sites, auf denen ich verkehre, werden Horrorszenarios geäussert. „Schlimmer als die Great Depression“ werde es werden, hört man dort fast schon täglich:

Do you remember the rule, dear reader? The force of a correction is equal and opposite to the delusion that preceded it. What would you expect to follow the biggest credit expansion of all time? Something pretty dramatic.

Quelle: Credit Expansion Ends, Leads to Falling House Prices

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Donnerstag, 29. November 2007

Inflation in der Praxis

[…] it means that the Dow Jones Industrial Average — even at its recent high of 14,000 — buys you 21% less than it did when it hit 11,722 in January 2000!

And when measured against tangible assets like gold and oil, the Dow purchases even less — almost 70% less than it did seven years ago.

Quelle: US Economy in Serious Trouble Whilst Asia Booms – What it Means For Your Portfolio

Labels: Politik, USA, Wirtschaft

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