Archiv 9. November 2007

Freitag, 9. November 2007

Wer sind die besten Ökonomen?

[…] But reported in the International Herald Tribune was the curious finding that people who had studied economics for 6 months scored no better on tests of basic economic principles than people who had never opened an economics book. The researchers were too timid, in our opinion. A follow-up study will show that those who go on to study economics at an advanced level will actually score lower than those who never studied it at all. It is a value-subtracting discipline. The longer you study it, the less you know.

Quelle: The Dollar Bull is a Lie

Labels: Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft

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Freitag, 9. November 2007

England: Land unter?

Die letzte „Grosse Welle“ kam 1953:

Quelle: Tidal wave heading for England’s east coast poses ‚extreme danger to life‘

Just wenn ich morgen um 7 Uhr aufstehe, wird sich zeigen, wie hoch die Nordsee kommen wird …

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