Samstag, 21. Juni 2008, 0:06 Uhr

Zentralbanken lassen sich vergewaltigen

Toll, was die Europäische Zentralbank Banken innerhalb der Union alles für Schrott abkauft. Wenn das keine tickende Zeitbombe ist:

The ECB accepts a wide range of assets, including those such as ABS for which there is temporarily very little trading, as collateral in its refinancing operations. Provided the tranche of securities is the most senior, and rated A- or above, the ECB will take it. No surprise then that since August a large number of banks have designed ABS tranches, backed mostly by mortgages, purely for ECB consumption. Of €208 billion ($320 billion) of eligible securities created, only about €5.8 billion have been placed with investors, according to calculations by JPMorgan. In one noteworthy deal in December, Rabobank, a Dutch institution, issued €30 billion of mortgage-backed securities, €27 billion of which were designed exclusively for refinancings with the ECB.

Quelle: Bank liquidity | Litterbin of last resort |

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