Posts Tagged ‘Programmierung’

Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

Wie Projektmanager Agile Entwicklung und Scrum zerstören

The very first Certified Scrum Master course was taught at the Object Mentor offices in Vernon Hills, Illinois. … Frankly, I thought the idea was a bit silly. I didn’t think thousands of people would be lining up to get their certifications. But I had not considered the lure of elitism. It didn’t occur to me that this special training course, coupled to the term Certified Scrum Master, would become a wedge to break the alignment between authority and responsibility.

Who was it who lined up to take the CSM courses? Was it Scrum team members who wanted to help their teams? Was it programmers and testers? Yes, there were certainly some CSMs who came from existing teams. But the vast majority of CSMs have a project management background. In essence they have added CSM to the PMBOK. They have become CSMs so that they have the authority to manage Scrum teams.

This was never the intent. The role of the coach was to act as a gentle reminder of process and discipline. The coach was never supposed to manage the project or the schedule! Indeed, these two roles were supposed to be adversarial!

Quelle: gist: 710960 – What Killed Waterfall Could Kill Agile.- GitHub

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Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010

Mit AppleScript den Namen der Applikation im Vordergrund auslesen

Beim Upgrade von Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) auf Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) musste ich folgenden Code anpassen:

tell application "System Events"
	set app_name to name of the second process whose frontmost is true
end tell

… wurde neu zu …

tell application "System Events"
	set app_name to name of item 1 of (every process whose frontmost is true)
end tell

Quelle: Writing AppleScripts That Dynamically Target Either Safari or WebKit

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Freitag, 13. August 2010

Gute Programmierer wollen mit guten Programmierern arbeiten

In technology, once you have bad programmers, you’re doomed. I can’t think of an instance where a company has sunk into technical mediocrity and recovered. Good programmers want to work with other good programmers. So once the quality of programmers at your company starts to drop, you enter a death spiral from which there is no recovery.

Quelle: What Happened to Yahoo

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Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Das neue (?) Web-App-Paradigma

On the other hand, if you’re starting a new project today, there is absolutely no good reason why you shouldn’t begin your design with an API

Quelle: Software, APIs and all the king’s men | The Accidental Businessman

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Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010

Der epische Kampf zwischen Programmierern und dem Universum (war: Gott)

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

Quelle: 17 computer geek jokes and truisms | Royal Pingdom

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Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010

Offline-Manuals für Web-Entwickler

Da ich morgen 10 Stunden in einer Boeing 767-300 eingepfercht sein werde, nehme ich mein MacBook (mit brandneuem Akku, da der alte die 300 Ladezyklen überschritten hat) mit an Bord und werde an Web-Projekten programmieren. Wie es aber so ist, hat man im Flugzeug immer noch keinen Internet-Zugang, weshalb es von sehr, sehr grossem Wert ist, wenn man sich die gängigsten Handbücher auf den lokalen Laptop lädt.

Nachfolgend die Links, die sich mit einem

wget -i <datei>

herunterladen kann:

# 2010-02-03
# by Mario Aeby

# Apache 2.2

# MySQL 5.0


# jQuery 1.4

# SelfHTML 8.1.2

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Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010

Ein Feature in 30 Minuten oder 24 Stunden?

For every 1 day estimates of a task, there’s a simpler version of that you can do in 3 hours, and an even simpler still you can do in 30 minutes. Back yourself into a corner and these versions will vividly appear before your eye. You can always do less.

Quelle: You can always do less – (37signals)

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Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

Besser als die Weihnachtsgeschichte: Duke Nukem Forever

His name is George Broussard, co-owner of 3D Realms and the man who headed the Duke Nukem Forever project for its entire 12-year run. Now 46 years old, he’d spent much of his adult life trying to make a single game, and failed over and over again.

Quelle: Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem | Magazine

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Labels: Funny, IT, USA

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Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

Brauchen Softwareentwickler wirklich Höllenmaschinen?

I have endless battles with overzealous developers who swear up and down that they use their desktops like servers. Sure you do! And you’re building the space shuttle with it, right? Of course you are. Yeah.

Quelle: Building a PC, Part VI: Rebuilding

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Sonntag, 29. November 2009

Wie man den richtigen Programmierer findet

There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them?

Quelle: How I Hire Programmers (Aaron Swartz’s Raw Thought)

Diesen Seitenhieb auf Googles Anstellungspraktiken mag ich:

(If you ask people at parties to name their greatest strengths and weaknesses or to estimate the number of piano tuners in Chicago, you’ve got bigger problems.)

Wobei man behaupten könnte, dass Google vielleicht nicht immer daran interessiert ist, Dinge möglichst rasch und effizient zu realisieren — und deshalb so doofe Fragen stellt.

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Labels: Arbeit, IT

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