As a matter of fact, the world production of oil has now held constant for about 30 months, but the world’s demand for oil has been steadily going up.
Quelle: PEAK OIL — (House of Representatives – November 01, 2007)
Da kommt mit doch just dieser alte Witz über Ökonomen in den Sinn:
Two economists find themselves locked in a basement. They’re not sure what time it is, because it’s dark and they can’t read their watches. They think it’s nearly dinner time, cause they’re starting to feel hungry. But they’re not worried; they are not starting to panic – because they know that their demand will create sandwiches for them!
Quelle: A Tale of Two Economists
Hmmm – wenn das so weitergeht, können wir alle unsere Ökonomie-Lehrbücher verbrennen!
Würde die freie Marktwirtschaft spielen, wären schon längst neue Erdöl-Reserven erschlossen worden, deren Erschliessung bis anhin zu teuer gewesen wäre. Müssen wir wirklich mehr als drei Jahre warten, bis die Öl-Multis reagieren?!
Komisch nur, dass die Technologie, die uns vor Peak Oil bewahren wird, leider in den letzten zwanzig Jahren nicht mehr fähig war, grosse, unerschlossene Erdöl-Lager zu entdecken:
And by the way, for the past 20 years or so we have had incredibly improved techniques for finding oil. So for those of who tell you not to worry, it’s out there, where? We’ve been scouring the world for the last 20 years with computer modeling and 3-D seismic, and our discovery has been down, down, down.
Quelle: PEAK OIL — (House of Representatives – November 01, 2007)
Aha, vielleicht blenden wir einfach einen massgeblichen Faktor aus:
Economics may teach that money is a store of value, but unfortunately this cannot be true when an economy is in a period of long-term contraction. Economists have developed their theories looking at an atypical period in the world’s history–one where growth was the norm. They have never stopped to realize that our world is finite, so infinite growth is not possible. Their theories may hold for a specific time period, but aren’t true in general.
Quelle: Economic Impact of Peak Oil Part 3: What’s Ahead?
Ein einfacher Vergleich für den Mann auf der Strasse:
Putting a dozen straws in the soda will not result in more soda, will it? It’s a limited amount. There is a limited amount.
Quelle: PEAK OIL — (House of Representatives – November 01, 2007)
Asians understand that what is important is not who consumes the apples, but who owns the orchard.