Mittwoch, 14. November 2007, 11:59 Uhr

Mathematik in der Finanzwirtschaft

According to the Goldman Sachs mathematical models… August, Year of Our Lord 2007, was a very special month. Things were happening then that were only supposed to happen about once in every 100,000 years.

Either that… or the Goldman Sachs models were wrong…

Quelle: Goldman Sachs Was Wrong & 2 Million Families May Lose Their Homes

“We are seeing things that were 25-standard deviation events, several days in a row,” said David Viniar, CFO of the smartest financial firm in the world, Goldman Sachs […]

When you make loans to people who can’t pay the money back, trouble is only a couple standard deviations away. […]

Vielleicht sollte man in der Finanzwirtschaft wieder auf etwas mehr Grips und etwas weniger mathematische Modelle vertrauen … Aber was weiss ich Tor schon?

Labels: Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft

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