Posts Tagged ‘Zitat’

Montag, 4. Mai 2009

Missmanagement, wohin das Auge reicht

here are the same economists who mismanaged the economy, offering advice to governments who mismanaged their regulatory roles, about how to keep mismanaged companies alive, so that bondholders who mismanaged their investments might not go broke.

Quelle: The Greatness of a Depression is Commensurate to the Government’s Efforts to Prevent It

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Labels: Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 1. Mai 2009

Government Motors

„GM will not disappear. Just a slight change to what it represents: Government Motors.“

Quelle: The Fed and Congress Did Almost Nothing

Labels: Funny

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Montag, 13. April 2009

Kriegt es Japan dieses Mal auf die Reihe?

Japan says it’s going to announce another $100 billion stimulus program this week. That should do the trick. After 17 years of bailouts and stimulus programs, the Japanese should be getting good at them. But it’s a little like a guy who’s getting good at suicide – if he’s so good at it, you’d think he’d be dead by now.

Quelle: Jim Cramer Says The Depression is Over

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Labels: Wirtschaft

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Samstag, 4. April 2009


Mario: „Wieso machsch ke Liecht?“

Randal: „Wieso?“

Mario: „Gsesch ja ds loch nid wes dunku isch!“

Randal: „Hane ja scho dinne …“

(Ich und der Untermieter nach der Ankunft aus dem wohlverdienten Ausgang mit dem Schlüssel am stockdunklen Hauseingang)

Labels: Blogosphäre, Funny

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Freitag, 3. April 2009

Was die G20er mit Antikapitalisten gemein haben

These dumbbells are just as confused and hopeless as the G20 big shots they are trying to impress. Both believe the world would be a better place – if people would just listen to them!

Quelle: Economy Not As Bad As Expected

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Labels: Funny, Wirtschaft

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Mittwoch, 1. April 2009

Fast wie beim Economist …

Hugo Boss – Probleme im Anzug

Quelle: – Agenda: Hugo Boss – Probleme im Anzug – Seite 1 von 3 – Industrie

Die Briten lieben das Wortspiel ebensosehr – jeden Freitag frei Haus.

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Labels: Funny, Medien

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Dienstag, 24. März 2009

Twitter ein Must-Have

if Jesus Christ were alive today, he’d have a Twitter account and would be complaining about Judas in 140 characters or less.

Quelle: The Accidental Businessman: Important lessons nobody is going to learn from Twitter

Labels: Funny, IT, Web

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Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008

Das fragwürdige an Traditionen

„A tradition is a solution for which we’ve forgotten the problem“ –– Bill Barnes

Via: Twitter

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Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008

Bürokratie erledigt sich selber?

The late Eugene McCarthy, a longtime senator from Minnesota and several times a presidential candidate, once said that the only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is its inefficiency.

Quelle: RideLust Daily Fail: DC Officials Tow $70k Audi With No Rims

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Labels: Funny, Politik, USA

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Montag, 3. November 2008

Gilt Moore’s Law auch für CEOs?

Was das Moore’s Law für die Semikonduktor-Industrie ist, ist wohl etwas ähnliches auch für die CEOs gültig:

“I am old enough to have known both the CEO’s of 20 years ago and those today. I can assure you that we CEO’s of today are NOT 10 times better than those 20 years ago.” ––– William McDonough, Former New York Federal Reserve Governor.

Quelle: Time to Bunker Down as the Global Debt Mountain Implodes :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

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