Archiv 24. Juni 2006

Samstag, 24. Juni 2006


People such as academics, teachers, scientists and many other professionals are often strikingly immature outside of their strictly specialist competence in the sense of being unpredictable, unbalanced in priorities, and tending to overreact.

The faults of youth are retained along with the virtues, he believes. These include short attention span, sensation and novelty-seeking, short cycles of arbitrary fashion and a sense of cultural shallowness.

Serious Study: Immaturity Levels Rising

Das erklärt so einiges …

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Samstag, 24. Juni 2006

America is doomed!

Nicht, weil es die Dame von der schwulenfeindlichen Baptist Church (der Domain-Namen sagt alles …) rechts im Video behauptet, sondern weil solcher Bullshit auf einem nationalen Sender in Millionen von Haushalten flimmert. Höchst unprofessionell, was die Moderatorin da leistet.

As seen on

Quelle: Return Of The Crazy Woman

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