Die Zeitung The Independent on Sunday hat vor wenigen Tagen einen längeren Artikel über das wohl einzige wahrnehmbare Wahlplakat gebracht. Obwohl die Schweizerischen Medien als Reaktion darauf umgehend darauf hingewiesen haben, dass die lieben Briten doch lieber zuerst den Rassismus in ihrem eigenen Land unter Kontrolle bringen – ist es nicht spannend, einmal aus den Augen eines ausländischen Korrespondenten auf unser Land und das Wahlkampfgebahren zu schauen? Einige Ausschnitte aus dem Text von Paul Vallely:
It will be the first such law in Europe since the Nazi practice of Sippenhaft – kin liability – whereby relatives of criminals were held responsible for their crimes and punished equally.
As I made my way through the concourse, I wondered what Dr Schlüer made of this station of hyper-efficiency and cleanliness that has a smiling Somali girl selling pickled herring sandwiches, a north African man sweeping the floor, and a black nanny speaking in broken English to her young Swiss charge.
Switzerland has the toughest naturalisation rules in Europe. To apply, you must live in the country legally for at least 12 years, pay taxes, and have no criminal record.
[…] It can also ask, as one commune did of 23-year-old Fatma Karademir – who was born in Switzerland but who under Swiss law is Turkish like her parents – if she knew the words of the Swiss national anthem, if she could imagine marrying a Swiss boy and who she would support if the Swiss football team played Turkey.
[…] The big unspoken fact here [Einbürgerungsbestimmungen] is how a citizen is to be defined. „When a Swiss woman who has emigrated to Canada has a baby, that child automatically gets citizenship,“ Dr Schlüer says. But in what sense is a boy born in Canada, who may be brought up with an entirely different world view and set of values, more Swiss than someone like Fatma Karademir who has never lived anywhere but Switzerland?
Quelle: Switzerland: Europe’s heart of darkness?
Nicht gewusst
At the end of 2006, 5,888 people were interned in Swiss prisons. 31 per cent were Swiss citizens – 69 per cent were foreigners or asylum-seekers.
Äusserst spannend – 6’000 von 7’500’000 Menschen sitzen im Knast (0.08%) …
Zum Vergleich: In den USA sind es 2’135’901 oder 0.72% der Gesamtbevölkerung (Quelle: Americans behind bars)
Eine in der Schweiz lebende Amerikanerin zeigt auf, wie sie die Plakate erlebt:
Wenn das so weitergeht, ist unser Ruf endgültig ramponiert. Danke, SVP!