Archiv 19. Juni 2009

Freitag, 19. Juni 2009

Star Trek (2009) – Die Kurzfassung

Dieses lustige Stück erinnert mich daran, denn Film zum dritten Mal schauen zu gehen – falls er in einem der bernischen Lichtspielhäuser überhaupt noch gezeigt wird:

Suddenly, a fight breaks out between CHRIS PINE, FOUR STARFLEET CADETS, and APPARENTLY THE CAMERA MAN.

[…] The ship for new recruits leaves tomorrow, and there’s apparently no other way for you to enlist other than boarding it.

CHRIS joins STARFLEET and hops on a ship headed into SPACE even though the ACADEMY is on EARTH.

Quelle: Star Trek: The Abridged Script | The Editing Room

Auch ganz schön:

Makes sense, I’ve got the entire surface of a planet to work with and I stumbled into your cave.

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