Posts Tagged ‘Finanzkrise’
Samstag, 3. September 2011
Russischer Finanzminister zu seinen Bürgern: Sauft und raucht!
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The Russian finance minister told the Russian people they should drink and smoke more to help boost tax revenues. “People should understand,” he said. “Those who drink, those who smoke are doing more to help the state.” And the Irish finance minister said his ministry is considering selling T-shirts that read, “Ireland is not Greece.” As I say, you can’t make this stuff up.
Quelle: You Can\’t Make This Stuff Up
Tags: Finanzkrise, Irland, Russland, Schuldenkrise
Labels: Wirtschaft
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011
Was kann Griechenland bieten? Nichts.
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Greece, a small country with a small GDP and no oil…whose strategic export is olives…and whose last real military victory was the Battle of Jhelum in 326 BC, in which Alexander the Great defeated an Indian Rajah named Porus. […] If they’d let Greece go broke 3 years ago, the problem would be behind us instead of in front of us.
Quelle: Embracing Catastrophe: Why You Shouldn’t Fear the Markets’ Next “Lehman Moment”
Anmerkung am Rande: Alexander der Grosse war Mazedonier.
Tags: EU, Euro, Finanzkrise, Griechenland, PIGS, PIIGS, Schuldenkrise
Labels: Wirtschaft
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011
Die Stunde der Steuerzahler
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the State, as a borrower, has a nearly inexhaustible form of collateral: the taxpayer. It’s the taxpayer that guarantees interest payments on government debt will always be met, and principal always repaid.
Quelle: The Big Fall Harder
Tags: EU, Euro, Finanzkrise, Griechenland, Irland, PIGS, PIIGS, Portugal, Schuldenkrise, Spanien
Labels: Wirtschaft
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011
American Nightmare
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As we alluded to above, politicians and civil servants love to get in on the action too. In the US, this took the form of making the ‘American Dream’ an American reality. What they got was a nightmare. Massive mortgage companies were set up and backed by the government to create artificial demand for mortgages. Banks were required to lend to sub-prime borrowers by legislation. Central banks kept interest rates low. And homebuilders had a field day.
Quelle: The Baby Boom Bust Cycle
Tags: Finanzkrise
Labels: USA, Wirtschaft
Freitag, 24. September 2010
Eine irische Geldvernichtungsmaschine
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84 Mio. Euro schuldete er Anglo Irish bei seinem Rücktritt, in der Spitze waren es 129 Mio. Euro. Damit das Geschäft nicht aufflog, lieh sich FitzPatrick immer kurz vor dem Bilanzstichtag die Summe, die er seiner Bank schuldete, von der Bausparkasse Irish Nationwide und zahlte sie wenige Tage später zurück. Andere Topmanager der Bank taten es ihm gleich, borgten sich 95 Mio. Euro.
Quelle: Agenda: Eine Bank ruiniert Irland |
Es gibt Iren, die hätten lieber in der Kneipe mit Guinness versumpfen als mit fremdem Geld spekulieren sollen …
Tags: Banken, Finanzkrise, Irland, Wirtschaftskrise
Labels: Politik, Wirtschaft
Dienstag, 20. April 2010
Der Investmentbanker, mein treuer Freund?
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Goldmans potenzielle Kunden dürfte es reichlich egal sein, ob die Bank sie juristisch korrekt oder inkorrekt übers Ohr haut. …
Die Details dieses Falls werden schon bald nicht mehr interessieren. Doch vielleicht hilft er den Bankkunden einzusehen, dass ihnen nie ein Berater, sondern ein Verkäufer gegenübersitzt.
Quelle: Das Kapital: Goldman steht auf schnellen Sex |
Oder wie es Bill Bonner seit Jahren propagiert: „Capitalism separates fools from their money.“
Tags: Banken, Finanzen, Finanzkrise
Labels: USA, Wirtschaft
Freitag, 19. Februar 2010
Arme, arme Wallstreet-Banker …
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When challenged, they talk about how hard they work, the 90-hour weeks, the stress, the failed marriages, the hemorrhoids and gallstones they all get before they hit 40.
„But wait a minute,“ you say to them. „No one ever asked you to stay up all night eight days a week trying to get filthy rich shorting what’s left of the American auto industry or selling $600 billion in toxic, irredeemable mortgages to ex-strippers on work release and Taco Bell clerks. Actually, come to think of it, why are we even giving taxpayer money to you people? Why are we not throwing your ass in jail instead?“
Quelle: The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone
Tags: Finanzkrise, Wirtschaftskrise
Labels: Arbeit, Funny, USA, Wirtschaft
Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010
Neuestes Mitglied der PIIGS: USA!
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It won’t take investors long to figure out that there isn’t a whole lot of difference between Greece’s finances and those of the US. Each has about the same amount of debt and the same size deficit, relative to GDP. The big difference is that the US ultimately controls the currency in which its debt is calibrated. Greece does not. Neither does California.
Quelle: USA Has Fives Times As Much Sovereign Debt As All the PIIGS Put Together
Tags: Finanzkrise, Griechenland, Irland, Italien, Portugal, Spanien, Weltgeschehen, Wirtschaftskrise
Labels: USA, Wirtschaft
Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009
Äusserst beunruhigende Aussichten
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Coming right to the point, the fixers face not just one crisis, but many. They have a growth model that no longer works. They have aging populations and social welfare obligations that can’t be met. They have limits on available resources, including the most basic ones – land, water, and energy. They have a money system headed for a crack-up, and an economic theory that was only effective when it wasn’t necessary. Now that it is needed, the Keynesian fix is useless. If a recovery depends on borrowed money, what do you do when lenders won’t give you any?
Quelle: Economists With Their One-stop Solution: Stimulate Consumer Spending
Ich werde es garantiert noch erleben, wenn uns der Scheiss um die Ohren fliegt …
Bonner geht in einem früheren Artikel noch etwas genauer auf das „Problem“ ein:
With 6 billion people now competing for stuff, the whole idea of having a lot of stuff is being called into question. In the first place, there’s not enough stuff around to permit everyone to have as much as Americans – at least not without some huge technological breakthroughs. In the second place, Americans have run out of money to buy stuff. In the third place, it takes a lot of energy to make and transport so much stuff; the US no longer has access to cheap energy. And finally, the US economic model – in which growth is a result of stimulating consumers to buy more stuff – no longer works.
Quelle: Supposed to Believe Investors Can Avoid Calamities of Past by Studying Previous Market Cycles
Tags: Alltag, Finanzen, Finanzkrise, Weltgeschehen, Wirtschaftskrise, Zukunft
Labels: Gesellschaft, Politik