Archiv 25. Oktober 2008

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Hedge Funds eleminieren sich selbst

His views were echoed by Professor Nouriel Roubini, a former US Treasury and presidential adviser known for his accurate prediction of financial crises, who estimated that up to 500 hedge funds would fail within months.

Both men were speaking at the same hedge fund conference in London yesterday, and Prof Roubini said he would not be surprised if the US and other countries soon had to close their stock markets for more than a week to halt descent into „sheer panic“.

Quelle: GLG chief Emmanuel Roman warns thousands of hedge funds on brink of failure: financial crisis – Telegraph

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Begriff des Jahres 2008: "Too big to fail"

The banks are too big to be allowed to fail, but they’re also too big to save.

Quelle: GLG chief Emmanuel Roman warns thousands of hedge funds on brink of failure: financial crisis – Telegraph

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Bei Ökonomen fehlt die Qualitätskontrolle

Unlike custodians, cab drivers, or dishwashers, economists are not held accountable for their job performance. They can be wrong on everything they do every day of the week, and still be viewed as respected authorities by the Washington Post, and other media outlets, as well as members of Congress and others in policy positions.

Quelle: Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect

Labels: Wissenschaft

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

McCains Kampagne am Ende?

One well-connected Republican in the private sector was shocked to get calls and resumes in the past few days from what he said were senior McCain aides — a breach of custom for even the worst-off campaigns.

Quelle: Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad – Print View

Labels: USA

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Palins Make-Up kostet

Und die nennen Barack Obama einen „Elitist“?! Verkehrte Welt …

In September, Ms. Strozzi, who was first identified by the Washington Post this week as Ms. Palin’s makeup artist, was also paid $13,200 for “communications consulting.”

Quelle: Top Salary in McCain Camp? Palin’s Makeup Stylist – The Caucus Blog –

Labels: Funny, USA

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Wer erinnert sich an die beste Budweiser-Werbung ever?

Anscheinend stammt diese Werbung wirklich aus dem Jahr 2000 …

… und seither sind also 8 Jahre ins Land gegangen, ohne dass sich am Status Quo gross etwas geändert hat. Könnte man meinen. Die Kampagne von Barack Obama hat nun kurzerhand ein Sequel zur lustigsten je erschienen Bud-Werbung veröffentlicht und darin die wichtigsten Themen der letzten Monate (respektive Jahre, wenn man den Hurrikan Katharina bedenkt) eingearbeitet:

Genial – und bestürzend zu gleich. Mit diesem Spot würde ich die us-amerikanische TV-Landschaft nun zuspachteln. Mit Obamas übervoller Kriegskasse sollte das absolut kein Problem sein.

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Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Was sich an den Unis des 21. Jahrhunderts ändern muss

We can acknowledge that most of our students have powerful devices on them that give them instant and constant access to this cloud (including almost any answer to almost any multiple choice question you can imagine). We can welcome laptops, cell phones, and iPods into our classrooms, not as distractions, but as powerful learning technologies. We can use them in ways that empower and engage students in real world problems and activities, leveraging the enormous potentials of the digital media environment that now surrounds us. In the process, we allow students to develop much-needed skills in navigating and harnessing this new media environment, including the wisdom to know when to turn it off. When students are engaged in projects that are meaningful and important to them, and that make them feel meaningful and important, they will enthusiastically turn off their cellphones and laptops to grapple with the most difficult texts and take on the most rigorous tasks.

Quelle: A Vision of Students Today (& What Teachers Must Do) | Britannica Blog

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