Archiv 3. September 2011

Samstag, 3. September 2011

40 Chancen, den Venezuelanern das heimzubringende Gold abzuknöpfen

Gold is the perfect heist: anonymous, untraceable, hugely valuable. Successfully intercepting just one of the shipments would yield a haul of more than $300 million, making it one of the greatest robberies of all time. And you’d have 39 chances to repeat the feat.

Quelle: How to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela | Felix Salmon

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Auch die Finanz- und Schuldenkrise wird die Reichen noch reicher machen

Atkinson examined the financial crises that swept Asia in the 1990s as well as those that afflicted several Nordic countries in the same decade. In most cases, he says, the middle class suffered depressed income for a long time after the crisis, while the top 1 percent were able to protect themselves—using their cash reserves to buy up assets very cheaply once the market crashed, and emerging from crisis with a significantly higher share of assets and income than they’d had before.

Quelle: Can the Middle Class Be Saved? – Magazine – The Atlantic

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Labels: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Der richtige Manager zur richtigen Zeit

If you hire someone who will be great in 18 months, but will be poor for the next 18 months, the company will reject her before she ever gets a chance to show her stuff.

Quelle: Preparing To Fire an Executive // ben’s blog

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Erinnert sich noch jemand an diese verschachtelten Nokia-Menus?

Everything today is a copy of the iPhone, even Android devices started out as Soon’ish Blackberry knockoffs and after seeing the iPhone, Google shifted gears into iPhone dream knockoffs. We would still be using garbage four-cursor keypads to navigate our way through inane option menus

Quelle: Steve Jobs, A Revolution Every Other Year [Updated] | Analysis | The Mac Observer

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Russischer Finanzminister zu seinen Bürgern: Sauft und raucht!

The Russian finance minister told the Russian people they should drink and smoke more to help boost tax revenues. “People should understand,” he said. “Those who drink, those who smoke are doing more to help the state.” And the Irish finance minister said his ministry is considering selling T-shirts that read, “Ireland is not Greece.” As I say, you can’t make this stuff up.

Quelle: You Can\’t Make This Stuff Up

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Wieso man sich um Apple ohne Steve Jobs keine Sorgen machen muss

No one denies that the Apple executive team is brilliant, yet it seems many are willing to believe they’re just puppets. I’d argue the two are mutually exclusive. Jobs is right, brilliant people won’t stand for the best idea consistently losing. They’ll leave. I think there’s a reason for this management team’s relative longevity. They like making consistent winners, not being shouted down by seniority or politics and producing failures. 

Quelle: Ideas, Not Hierarchy: On Steve Jobs Supposedly Making All Apple Decisions – The Small Wave.

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

China verkauft dem Alkoholiker weiterhin Alkohol

Savings aren’t bad, but they can be invested poorly. Take China. Its government is using its citizens‘ savings to lend to the largest bankrupt nation in the world. That’s not too smart.

Quelle: Savings Are Bad, Mmkay

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Samstag, 3. September 2011

Wieso Investoren heute Negativzinsen in Kauf nehmen

The victory of fear over greed means that investors are no longer concerned with the return ON their money; they’re worried about the return OF their money.

Quelle: Why to Buy Gold in a Deflationary Economy

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