Archiv 6. November 2022

Sonntag, 6. November 2022

Nach welchem Selektionsmechanismus bei Twitter Leute entlassen wurden

Gergely Orosz, natürlich in einem Tweet-Megathread, weil diese Information in einen schönen Blog-Artikel verpacken gerade nicht in ist:

“I don’t understand why X was laid off, and their manager also couldn’t tell them why.” With layoffs being more frequent, a thread about how who is let go is often decided, and why it can seem random (even though there’s a system) […]

Directors don’t reach out to managers but identify people to fired based on:

  • Highest costs in redundant roles / ones less needed
  • Poor performance reviews recently
  • People working in cost centers / long-term-bets
  • Tenure (shorter tenure)

What directors and VPs don’t take into account usually:

  • How well-respected this person is in the team
  • Maternity/paternity leaves or recent returns (HR will take care to pay sufficient severance, or flag if legally not allowed to let go)
  • Diversity (again: left to HR)

Quelle: a thread about how who is let go is often decided, and why it can seem random

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Sonntag, 6. November 2022

Entdeckung des Tages: Anna Asti

Süffige Lieder — ist die Sängerin so etwas wie Helen Fischer Russlands? Die Titel der Songs sind etwas … gewöhnungsbedürftig. Aber toller Russen-Pop (darf man das noch öffentlich sagen?)

Ночью на кухне (dt. „Nachts in der Küche“)

По барам (dt. „An [In?] den Bars“)

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Labels: Musik

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