Archiv ‘Wirtschaft’

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

American Nightmare

As we alluded to above, politicians and civil servants love to get in on the action too. In the US, this took the form of making the ‘American Dream’ an American reality. What they got was a nightmare. Massive mortgage companies were set up and backed by the government to create artificial demand for mortgages. Banks were required to lend to sub-prime borrowers by legislation. Central banks kept interest rates low. And homebuilders had a field day.

Quelle: The Baby Boom Bust Cycle

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Der grosse Bruder der Griechen

[Greece:] Unemployment is around 20%. People dodge taxes. Government workers don’t show up for work. Households spend too much. And the government is going into debt so deeply and so rapidly it can’t possibly get out.

Hey… It’s just like the US!

Quelle: The Likelihood of a US Default

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Wieso wir von der Globalisierung lange nichts mitbekommen haben

Globalisation led to lower prices for consumer goods. That offset the sting of lower wage growth; the result of losing all those high-wage, highly skilled manufacturing jobs. In simpler terms, the average salary may not have gone up much in real terms over the last 30 years, but cheap imports from Asia made up part of the difference.

Quelle: Buy When There’s Yogurt in the Streets

Labels: Arbeit, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft

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Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

US-Parlamentarier sind die erfolgreichsten Aktien-Spekulanten

Despite the GOP’s reputation as the party of the rich, House Republicans fared worse than their Democratic colleagues when it comes to investing, according to the study. The Democratic subsample of lawmakers beat the market by 73 basis points per month, or 9 percent annually, versus 18 basis points per month, or 2 percent annually, for the Republican sample.

Quelle: House members in the know score \’abnormal\‘ stock profits, study says – Washington Times

Labels: Politik, USA, Wirtschaft

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Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Der Unterschied zwischen Armut und Reichtum? Die Waschmaschine.

Offenbar nicht die Eigentumswohnung oder das Auto. Nein, die Waschmaschine:

Demographic researcher Hans Rosling has called the washing machine the greatest invention in the history of the Industrial Revolution. It liberated homemakers from boiling water and washing clothes. For women around the world, it makes the difference between poverty and prosperity.

Quelle: The Attack on the Washing Machine

Ich kann mich aber an eine Vorlesungsstunde bei Prof. em. Dr. Christian Pfister erinnern, in welcher er postulierte, dass mit der Einführung der Waschmaschine das Kleiderwaschen vollständig den (Haus)frauen übertragen wurde. Vorher halfen alle Mitglieder des Haushaltes beim Waschen mit.

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Labels: Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft

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Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011

Die Masters of the Universe sind unschlagbar

Just yesterday, Goldman Sachs revealed its traders managed to make money every trading day except one in the last quarter. Any independent trader not privy to inside information or with a high-frequency trading platform, or whatever it’s called, would say that’s impossible.

Quelle: Where Next for Commodities?

… und das alles mit billigem Geld, dass den US-Banken von der Fed nachgeworfen wird.

Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Sonntag, 13. März 2011

Gesucht: 6 Millionen Barrel Erdöl. Täglich.

It was far from clear where the world was going to find another two million barrels a day of new supply to meet another year of demand growth. That would be in addition to the nearly four million barrels a day of new production that must be brought on simply to replace what is lost every year in depletion.

Quelle: Why Saudi Arabia can no longer temper oil prices – The Globe and Mail

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Labels: Energie, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 11. Februar 2011

Die Finnen geben auf und wenden sich wieder der Sauna und dem Alkohol zu …

… oder so.

Clearly, Nokia threw in the towel. Not because they could not build, but because their building processes could not create greatness.

Quelle: Two turkeys don’t make an eagle, but no penguin will ever soar. | asymco

Manchmal sollten es Mobilfunkunternehmen wie Berühmtheiten halten: Mit einem fulminanten Abgang auf dem Höhepunkt der Karriere.

Nokia wird in meinen Gedanken immer als derjenige Handy-Hersteller in Erinnerung bleiben, der uns das 3210 brachte. Dasjenige Mobiltelefon, das die Mobilfunkrevolution hierzulande lostrat und nicht nur für Jahre definierte, wie ein Handy auszusehen und zu funktionieren hatte, sondern welchen Qualitätsmasstäben es gerecht zu werden hatte.

Zwar schafften es die Finnen in der Folge, noch einige Knaller auf den Markt zu bringen. Die zweite Mobilfunkrevolution — das Internet aus der Hosentasche — hat man aber im hohen Norden verpennt und wird so zu einem weiteren fiktiven Kapitel im Buch The Innovator’s Dilemma.

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Labels: Apple, Wirtschaft

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Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010

Welche Unternehmenskultur passt zu mir?

Ich muss nicht lange überlegen, in welcher Unternehmenskultur ich arbeiten möchte:

We’re in a creative-inventive market, not a safety-critical market like medicine or nuclear power.
— Netflix

Quelle: Netflix’s Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture

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Labels: Arbeit, USA, Wirtschaft

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Montag, 29. November 2010

Wie Apple die Business-Modelle der Mobilfunkanbietern zerstörte

I argue that the real disruption of mobile computing (i.e. iPhone) is made possible not by the smartphone technologies but by mobile broadband. Once broadband became mobile with 3G the smartphone could shift its focus (jobs it’s hired to do) from voice to data. That shift is disruptive to incumbents because they built their businesses around operator distribution and operator service economics. With apps, mobile computing brings with it services which allow all communications to be independent of operators. Selling ringtones, maps, email and video-on-demand are all dead business plans today. But operators clung on to these hopes for many years and forced vendors to comply to this strategy.

Quelle: The iPhone is not superfluous, not easily copied, not revolutionary and not a premium product | asymco

Labels: Apple, Wirtschaft

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