Posts Tagged ‘Russland’

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

Was sich die Russen von Island versprechen

ow Iceland has had to take over the banks and guarantee deposits. They also had to turn to Russia for a loan. Does anyone think Putin would hand out a no-strings-attached loan? Russia needs a refueling station for its Navy and will likely get it.

Quelle: Credit Crisis Collapse What Happens Next? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

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Dienstag, 19. August 2008

Russland hat die gutgemeinten, neoliberalen Ratschläge überlebt

Meanwhile, Russia got its house in order under the non-senile, non-alcoholic Vladimir Putin, and woke up along about 2007 to find itself the leading oil and natural gas producer in the world.

Quelle: Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Reality Bites Again

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Labels: Energie, Wirtschaft

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Montag, 11. August 2008

Was Russland (auch) in Ossetien sucht

Zum Öle drängt es, am Öle hängt es?

the war currently underway in former Soviet Georgia (I say this in case the folks in Atlanta wonder why Stone Mountain is not being bombed) will at least end up with Russia in control of the major oil pipeline that runs from the Caspian region across Georgia, through Turkey, to Europe — even while parts of that pipeline get blown up. The net effect will be of Russia will taking control of even more of the oil now flowing to Europe. The whole point of building that pipeline was to bypass Russia, which was crippled by its own paradigm shift in the years when the pipeline was built.

Quelle: Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Shoulder Season

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Labels: Energie

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Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

Sex (still) sells

  1. Two Girls
  2. Bare Tits
  3. ???
  4. Profit

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Labels: Gesellschaft, Medien

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Sonntag, 20. April 2008

Putin der Charmeur

Liebe Politiker, so holt man Stimmen!

[…] Der Kreml-Chef gestand allerdings ein, dass ihm Kabajewa und andere «in der russischen Boulevardpresse erwähnte junge Mädchen und Frauen» gefallen würden. «So wie alle russischen Frauen.»

Quelle: Zeitung bezahlt teuer für Putins «Hochzeit»

Labels: Funny

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