Archiv September 2021

Dienstag, 14. September 2021

Allerlei Wissenswertes über Geschirrspüler

  • You do not need to pre-rinse
  • The most powerful jets in a dishwasher shoot upwards from the bottom, so stack the dirtiest items on the lower shelf and the cleaner or more fragile items above. This is also why your bowls, containers and cutlery should face down.
  • A full dishwasher dries better than a half-full dishwasher
  • A full dishwasher can clean 144 items with roughly 13 litres of water, or anything between eight and 20. According to a study by the University of Bonn, hand washing the same load uses, on average, 100 litres of water.

Quelle: How to properly load a dishwasher: ‚If you pre-rinse it might actually come out dirtier‘

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Dienstag, 14. September 2021

„Welcome to Raspberry Pi“ Installationshelfer nicht mehr anzeigen

Hierzu löscht man folgende Datei: /etc/xdg/autostart/piwiz.desktop

Quelle: Disable „Welcome to Raspberry Pi“ setup wizard at system start

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Sonntag, 12. September 2021

Tweets, die man lieber nicht abgeschickt hätte. Heute: Reto Lipp, SRF

Ich glaube wir sind in der Diskussion auf dem richtigen Weg, wenn wir aus der Risikomanagement-Lehre den Impact (die Auswirkungen, die Schwere eines Ereignisses; hier: Tod) und die Probability (Eintretenswahrscheinlichkeit über einen bestimmten Zeitraum) zweier Optionen miteinander vergleichen.

Doch ich verstehe nicht ganz, wer für den Stuss hier verantwortlich ist — Niall Ferguson, ein etwas erfolgreicherer Historiker als ich, der inkoherent etwas zusammenlabert, oder Reto Lipp, der unvollständig oder falsch zitiert/übersetzt.

Liest man diesen Tweet wortwörtlich, hat jemand eine Chance von 10 Prozent, an Covid-19 zu erkranken. Für wen gilt diese Zahl? Mann, Frau, Alter, Standort, sozialer Status, andere Erkrankungen usw. usf. Über welchen Zeitraum hinweg? Ehrlich gesagt gehe ich nach derzeitigem Wissensstand davon aus, dass jeder Mensch auf diesem Planeten (mindestens) einmal von SARS-CoV-2 infiziert werden wird.

Will Ferguson sagen, dass zehn Prozent aller Infizierten dann tatsächlich auch Erkranken? Und: Erkrankung ist für mich zu undifferenziert: Asymptomatisch (die in der Pandemie erfundenen „Gesunden Ungesunden“)? Ein leichter Husten? Hospitalisierung? Intensivstation? Long Covid? Man weiss es nicht.

Spätestens aber der Vergleich mit der Impfung macht absolut keinen Sinn mehr, wenn man Lipps Tweet wortwörtlich nimmt: Habe ich eine Chance von 1 zu 10’000, geimpft zu werden? Bei einer Impfquote von schweizweit über 50 Prozent? Ob man geimpft wird oder nicht ist kein statistisch verteiltes Ereignis, sondern hängt direkt mit der Willensbekundung einer Person ab. Entweder organisiert man sich einen Termin und lässt sich impfen, oder aber man entscheidet sich dagegen.

Ich versuche jetzt zu erraten, was Lipp (oder: Ferguson?) eigentlich sagen wollte:

Über den Zeitraum des Ausbruchs der SARS-CoV-2 „Pandemie“ bis heute betrachtet, stirbt einer von zehn Infizierten (10 Prozent). Einer von zehntausend (0.01 Prozent) stirbt an der Impfung. Für welches Tor entscheidet ihr euch?

Obwohl nun sauber ausgelegt macht alles weiterhin keinen Sinn, denn: Ich weiss nicht, von wo diese Zahlen stammen sollen, aber sie erscheinen mir beide kreuzfalsch. Keine Gesundheitsbehörde der Welt würde bei einer solchen „Pandemie“ eine Impfung zulassen (auch nicht unter Notzulassung), welche einen von zehntausend Impflingen tötet (bei der Beulenpest, die 30 Prozent der Bevölkerung umbringt, sähe es wohl anders aus). Genau so wenig sterben 10 Prozent an einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion. Die Infection Fatality Rate bewegte sich in einer im März 2021 publizierten Auswertung der WHO global bei 0.15 Prozent (Quelle). Ich glaube nicht, dass sich an dieser Zahl seither massivstens etwas geändert hat.

Nachtrag: In die Impfvariante nicht miteinberechnet wurde zudem, dass auch geimpfte Leute sich weiter infizieren können, erkranken können und einige davon (wie viele?) an Covid-19 sterben werden.

Fazit: Liegt der Fehler bei Ferguson, sollte er sich überlegen, sich bei der quantitativen Geschichtsschreibung von einem Zahlenprofi unterstützen zu lassen. Falls Lipp der Fehler unterlaufen ist, sollte er den Tweet löschen und dann noch einmal sauber und korrekt aufschreiben.

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Labels: Gesundheit, Medien

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Samstag, 11. September 2021

Notfallmässig eine Reverse Shell auf einem Linux-System aufbauen

Heute habe ich auf einem meiner Linux-Systems nach langer Zeit wieder einmal apt-get upgrade durchgeführt. Eines der wenigen System in meinem Fuhrpark, auf welchem noch Debian Stretch läuft.

Per SSH aus der Ferne eingeloggt, winkte ich die Meldungen durch — und musste offenbar übersehen haben, dass apt-get vor hatte, eine ganze Ladung kritischer Dienste zu entfernen. Unter anderem auch das Paket openssh-server. Nachdem das Update durch war, logge ich mich mittels Druck auf Ctrl-D aus. Und sah erst dann monits Warnmeldungen in meiner INBOX, dass auf TCP 22 kein SSH Daemon mehr lauschte. Doch dann war es bereits zu spät — ich hatte die letzte „Brücke“ zum Server soeben mit Ctrl-D in die Wüste geschickt.

Alle meine Systeme sysloggen via Site-to-Site-VPN auf einen zentralen ELK-Server. In Kibana dann die Hiobs-Botschaft:

sshd[10954]: error: rexec of /usr/sbin/sshd failed: No such file or directory


sshd[10954]: fatal: chroot("/run/sshd"): No such file or directory [preauth]

Da der Server 13 Kilometer weit weg in der Wohnung eines Bekannten steht, hatte ich den Salat. Ich wollte eine Autofahrt vor Ort unbedingt vermeiden.

Glücklicherweise war der Bekannte gerade zu Hause und erklärte sich bereit, mir in diesem Notfall als manuelles, menschliches KVM zu helfen.

Als erstes leitete ich ihn via iMessage an, sich in den Laptop einzuloggen. Das klappte. Anschliessend wollte ich ihn zwei Befehle ausführen lassen:

$ sudo su -
# apt-get install openssh-server

Doch bereits der erste Befehl produzierte eine Fehlermeldung:

-bash: sudo: command not found

Himmelheiland, war sogar sudo deinstalliert worden?!

Immerhin su funktionierte, aber ich wollte dem Helfer nicht zumuten, das 32-stellige, zufällig generierte Passwort mühsam von iMessage auf die Laptop-Tastatur abzutippen.

Ich wollte schon aufgeben, da kam mir eine Blitzidee: Ich benötigte eine Reverse Shell unter dem nicht-privilegierten Benutzer, und dann könnte ich selber das Problem autonom lösen.

Das VPN war wegen eines Neustarts zusammengebrochen (genau dieser Server ist der entfernte Endpunkt), aber glücklicherweise hatte ich ein zweites System im entfernten Netzwerk, auf welchem ein SSH-Server mit einer öffentlichen IP lauscht. Ich war also zusätzlich parallel auf diesem zweiten Server eingeloggt. Zu diesem benachbarten Server sollte das Reverse Shell aufgebaut werden.

Eine Google-Suche lieferte folgende wichtigen Seiten zu Tage: Bind Shells and Reverse Shells with netcat, Hacking with Netcat part 2: Bind and reverse shells, Complete guide to Reverse Shells sowie Su: must be run from a terminal.

Der Bekannte gab nun auf dem zerschossenen Linux folgenden Befehl ein:

$ nc -lvp 12345 -e /bin/bash

Auf dem Schwester-Server gab ich dann ein:

$ nc -nv 12345

Wobei die IP des zerschossenen Systems war.

Die Verbindung war zustande gekommen, aber ich sah keine richtige Shell. Befehle konnte ich eingeben (bspw. ls -l), und das Resultat wurde auf meinem Bildschirm angezeigt.

Problem: Als ich su ausführen wollte, wurde das mit der Fehlermeldung su : must be run from a terminal verhindert.

Zuerst überlegte ich mir den Weg über Scripts: How to pass the password to su/sudo/ssh without overriding the TTY? und su pass password to script.

Doch nach Konsultation von Getting around „su : must be run from a terminal“ schaffte ich eine wirklich vollständig brauchbare Shell nach Eingabe des folgenden Befehls:

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Einschub: Unter Stretch funktioniert das, unter Bullseye sollte man nun folgenden Befehle verwenden:

python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Hurra, ich hatte eine Shell! Aber Achtung: Ein fahrlässiges, aus Gewohnheit gedrücktes Ctrl-C killt die netcat-Verbindung, nicht das laufende Programm.

Andere Varianten unter Zuhilfenahme anderer potentieller Bordmittel wie Perl, PHP etc. sind in Spawning a TTY Shell dokumentiert.

Nun also wollte ich su anwenden, realisierte erst dann aber, dass das in meiner Passwort-Datenbank hinterlegte 32 Zeichen lange Passwort nicht korrekt war. Ich hatte bei der Installation vergessen, dass viel zu einfache dummy-Passwort anzupassen … Als ich dieses eingegeben hatte, landete ich in einer root-Shell.

Doch oha: openssh-server liess sich wegen Abhängigkeitsproblemen nicht installieren.

Was nun? Ich musste irgendwie einen persistenten Server als ersten Brückenkopf einrichten, der beim versehentlichen Betätigen von Ctrl-C auf meiner Seite weiter lief und erneute Verbindungsversuche zuliess.

Ich überlegte mir, ein PHP-Backdoor-Script zu installieren (php-reverse-shell, Quellcode), doch wie konnte ich dieses so einrichten, dass es permanent oder periodisch automatisch Verbindungsversuche unternehmen würde?

Nach etwas tüfteln dann die viel einfachere Lösung:

# apt-get install telnetd

Besser wäre eigentlich gewesen:

# apt-get install telnetd-ssl

Via: How do I turn on telnet service on for a Linux / FreeBSD system?

Und nun hatte ich wieder einen „sauberen“ Zugang zum Server.

Die nachfolgenden Stunden verbrachte ich damit, den Server von Stretch auf Buster und dann auf Bullseye zu lüpfen und eine Ladung Pakete zu installieren, welche apt heimtückisch entfernt hatte: OpenSSH, sudo, cron, OpenVPN, Samba, monit.

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Sonntag, 5. September 2021

Pöhse, pöhse Antwort auf die Frage „Warum habt ihr keine Kinder?“

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Sonntag, 5. September 2021

Raspberry Pi meldet „Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan“ (Virtual Memory/Swap-Problem)

Nachtrag: Leider hat diese Einstellungsänderung keine nachhaltige Abhilfe gebracht. Nach einem Umzug trat das Problem übrigens nicht mehr morgens um 4 Uhr auf, sondern abends nach 19 Uhr. Was ich jetzt stattdessen mache: Den RPi zwei Mal am Tag neu booten (um 5 Uhr, sowie um 17 Uhr). Das hat effektiv geholfen, das Problem tritt nicht mehr auf.

Seit einiger Zeit ging mein Raspberry Pi 3 zwischen 4 und 5 Uhr morgens „offline“. Meine monit-Installationen meldeten mir dann jeweils, dass der SSH-Server auf dem RPi nicht mehr zu erreichen war (gestern bspw. traf die Meldung um 4:24 Uhr ein).

/var/log/syslog enthielt nachfolgende Meldungen. Die Nennung von mmc_get_card liess mich aufhorchen, weshalb ich eine neue Micro SD-Karte bestellte und die alte Karte auf die neue klonte. Leider liess sich damit das Problem nicht beheben.

Die Lösung fand ich via Pi freezing up 4 times a day – Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan #1522 und via SWAP on Raspberry Pi / SD = AUTOCRASH und via Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan crash with Raspbian kernel 4.14.79-v7+ hier: Linux Kernel panic issue: How to fix hung_task_timeout_secs and blocked for more than 120 seconds problem:

In /etc/sysctl.conf fügte ich folgende Zeilen ein:

vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_ratio = 10

Bis dahin waren folgende Werte aktiv:

# sysctl -a | grep -i dirty
vm.dirty_background_bytes = 0
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_bytes = 0
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 3000
vm.dirty_ratio = 20
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 500
vm.dirtytime_expire_seconds = 43200

Danach ein Reboot. Heute trat das Problem nicht auf, aber ich beobachte die Situation weiter.

Sep  4 04:00:30 localhost rngd[402]: stats: Time spent starving for entropy: (min=0; avg=0.000; max=0)us
Sep  4 04:03:53 localhost kernel: [83016.518551] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 11 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:03:53 localhost kernel: [83016.518564] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:04:09 localhost kernel: [83033.166249] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 10 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:04:09 localhost kernel: [83033.166256] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:04:14 localhost kernel: [83037.308077] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:04:24 localhost kernel: [83047.708048] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:04:26 localhost kernel: [83049.792930] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:04:32 localhost kernel: [83056.047211] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:05:35 localhost PackageKit: daemon quit
Sep  4 04:05:36 localhost systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
Sep  4 04:05:36 localhost systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Succeeded.
Sep  4 04:09:05 localhost kernel: [83328.518609] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 12 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:09:05 localhost kernel: [83328.518621] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:09:11 localhost kernel: [83334.749226] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 12 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:09:11 localhost kernel: [83334.749233] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:09:26 localhost kernel: [83349.318128] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:09:32 localhost kernel: [83355.563939] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:09:51 localhost kernel: [83374.293909] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:10:05 localhost kernel: [83388.831471] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790161] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 122 seconds.
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790203]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790209] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790221] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790294] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790308] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790350] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790365]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790372]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790389] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790398]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790410] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790423]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790430]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790443] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790452]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790467] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790476]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790494] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790507]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790520] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790531]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790538]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790557] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790568]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790576]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790592] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790601] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790611] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790621] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790630] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790641]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:10:50 localhost kernel: [83433.790648]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:14:15 localhost kernel: [83638.475623] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 8 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:14:15 localhost kernel: [83638.475635] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:14:21 localhost kernel: [83644.680862] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 8 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:14:21 localhost kernel: [83644.680869] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:14:29 localhost kernel: [83653.001748] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:14:42 localhost kernel: [83665.480617] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:14:46 localhost kernel: [83669.651556] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:14:52 localhost kernel: [83675.880617] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550677] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 122 seconds.
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550695]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550701] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550709] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550740] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550752] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550775] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550787]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550794]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550809] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550816]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550828] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550838]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550845]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550857] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550864]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550876] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550884]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550900] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550911]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550923] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550934]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550941]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550954] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550964]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550971]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550983] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550990] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.550998] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.551008] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.551017] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.551027]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:14:56 localhost kernel: [83679.551033]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431188] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 245 seconds.
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431205]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431210] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431218] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431249] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431261] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431285] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431298]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431305]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431317] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431325]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431336] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431347]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431353]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431365] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431373]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431385] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431394]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431407] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431417]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431429] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431440]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431446]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431458] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431470]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431476]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431487] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431494] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431503] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431514] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431522] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431532]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:16:59 localhost kernel: [83802.431539]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312000] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 368 seconds.
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312024]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312030] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312041] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312088] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312102] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312132] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312146]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312154]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312167] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312175]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312187] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312197]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312204]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312221] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312229]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312242] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312250]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312272] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312284]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312296] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312307]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312314]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312330] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312341]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312348]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312365] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312374] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312385] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312396] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312405] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312415]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:19:02 localhost kernel: [83925.312422]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:19:44 localhost kernel: [83967.085113] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 13 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:19:44 localhost kernel: [83967.085126] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:19:50 localhost kernel: [83973.330678] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 13 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:19:50 localhost kernel: [83973.330684] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:20:21 localhost kernel: [84004.543471] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:20:27 localhost kernel: [84010.752118] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:20:31 localhost kernel: [84014.918282] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:20:38 localhost kernel: [84021.163940] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192343] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 491 seconds.
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192360]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192366] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192373] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192405] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192417] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192441] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192453]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192460]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192473] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192481]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192492] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192503]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192509]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192522] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192530]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192543] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192550]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192564] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192574]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192587] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192597]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192604]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192617] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192627]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192634]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192651] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192661] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192670] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192680] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192689] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192700]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:21:05 localhost kernel: [84048.192706]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072858] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 614 seconds.
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072875]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072881] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072888] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072920] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072932] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072955] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072967]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072974]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072988] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.072995]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073007] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073017]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073024]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073036] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073044]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073055] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073063]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073078] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073089]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073100] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073110]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073117]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073129] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073139]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073146]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073157] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073165] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073174] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073185] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073195] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073205]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:23:08 localhost kernel: [84171.073211]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:24:54 localhost kernel: [84277.001590] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 8 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:24:56 localhost kernel: [84277.001601] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:25:00 localhost kernel: [84283.233243] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 8 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:25:00 localhost kernel: [84283.233250] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:25:02 localhost kernel: [84285.350178] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:25:09 localhost kernel: [84291.565162] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:25:10 localhost kernel: [84293.953540] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 737 seconds.
Sep  4 04:25:12 localhost kernel: [84293.953574]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:25:13 localhost kernel: [84293.953583] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:25:17 localhost kernel: [84293.953591] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953644] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953658] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953689] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953703]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953711]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953724] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953731]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953744] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953755]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953762]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953778] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953786]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953799] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953807]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953833] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953844]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953856] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953867]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953874]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953893] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953904]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953910]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953926] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953937] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953945] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953956] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953967] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953977]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:25:18 localhost kernel: [84293.953984]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:25:19 localhost kernel: [84295.718281] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:25:25 localhost kernel: [84308.197936] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:27:15 localhost kernel: [84416.834127] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 860 seconds.
Sep  4 04:27:25 localhost kernel: [84416.834169]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:27:30 localhost kernel: [84416.834181] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:27:36 localhost kernel: [84416.834199] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:27:44 localhost kernel: [84416.834266] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:27:52 localhost kernel: [84416.834294] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:27:56 localhost kernel: [84416.834350] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:28:02 localhost kernel: [84416.834375]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:28:06 localhost kernel: [84416.834389]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:28:08 localhost kernel: [84416.834416] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:28:11 localhost kernel: [84416.834431]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:28:13 localhost kernel: [84416.834458] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:28:21 localhost kernel: [84416.834479]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:28:27 localhost kernel: [84416.834492]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:28:30 localhost kernel: [84416.834521] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:28:36 localhost kernel: [84416.834536]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:28:40 localhost kernel: [84416.834561] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:28:50 localhost kernel: [84416.834576]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:29:00 localhost kernel: [84416.834611] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:29:13 localhost kernel: [84416.834635]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:29:21 localhost kernel: [84416.834658] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:29:32 localhost kernel: [84416.834680]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:29:45 localhost kernel: [84416.834693]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:29:57 localhost kernel: [84416.834720] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:30:12 localhost kernel: [84416.834743]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:30:27 localhost kernel: [84416.834755]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:30:31 localhost kernel: [84416.834782] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:30:45 localhost kernel: [84416.834797] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:30:58 localhost kernel: [84416.834815] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:09 localhost kernel: [84416.834837] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84416.834856] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84416.834876]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84416.834889]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714362] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 983 seconds.
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714379]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714385] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714393] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714428] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714441] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714466] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714478]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714486]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714500] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714508]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714519] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714530]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714536]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714548] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714556]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714568] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714575]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714592] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714603]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714615] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714625]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714633]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714645] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714656]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714663]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714674] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714681] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714690] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714699] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714708] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714718]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84539.714724]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84582.768768] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 11 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:31:10 localhost kernel: [84582.768781] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:31:12 localhost kernel: [84653.474784] rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 11 callbacks suppressed
Sep  4 04:31:30 localhost kernel: [84653.474790] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:31:48 localhost kernel: [84655.577349] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:32:04 localhost kernel: [84662.595079] INFO: task kworker/3:2:15593 blocked for more than 1105 seconds.
Sep  4 04:32:19 localhost kernel: [84662.595121]       Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:32:30 localhost kernel: [84662.595133] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Sep  4 04:32:45 localhost kernel: [84662.595149] task:kworker/3:2     state:D stack:    0 pid:15593 ppid:     2 flags:0x00000000
Sep  4 04:33:01 localhost kernel: [84662.595219] Workqueue: events_freezable mmc_rescan
Sep  4 04:33:19 localhost kernel: [84662.595243] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:33:32 localhost kernel: [84662.595288] [<809f9068>] (__schedule) from [<809f9a40>] (schedule+0x68/0xe4)
Sep  4 04:33:50 localhost kernel: [84662.595312]  r10:81f29000 r9:ffffe000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:60000013 r5:ab061f00
Sep  4 04:34:03 localhost kernel: [84662.595327]  r4:ffffe000
Sep  4 04:34:16 localhost kernel: [84662.595353] [<809f99d8>] (schedule) from [<80805678>] (__mmc_claim_host+0xe0/0x238)
Sep  4 04:34:31 localhost kernel: [84662.595369]  r5:81f29218 r4:00000002
Sep  4 04:34:49 localhost kernel: [84662.595392] [<80805598>] (__mmc_claim_host) from [<80805808>] (mmc_get_card+0x38/0x3c)
Sep  4 04:35:03 localhost kernel: [84662.595413]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:81f29218 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:35:07 localhost kernel: [84662.595426]  r4:81f29800
Sep  4 04:35:22 localhost kernel: [84662.595452] [<808057d0>] (mmc_get_card) from [<8080f484>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x24/0x7c)
Sep  4 04:35:35 localhost kernel: [84662.595467]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:35:53 localhost kernel: [84662.595491] [<8080f460>] (mmc_sd_detect) from [<8080806c>] (mmc_rescan+0xdc/0x3b0)
Sep  4 04:36:11 localhost kernel: [84662.595506]  r5:81f29000 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:36:31 localhost kernel: [84662.595540] [<80807f90>] (mmc_rescan) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:36:47 localhost kernel: [84662.595561]  r9:00000000 r8:000000c0 r7:b37dfc00 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf80 r4:81f2927c
Sep  4 04:37:06 localhost kernel: [84662.595584] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:37:26 localhost kernel: [84662.595606]  r10:b37dc640 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37dc658 r7:00000008 r6:b37dc640 r5:9a63cf94
Sep  4 04:37:47 localhost kernel: [84662.595619]  r4:9a63cf80
Sep  4 04:38:04 localhost kernel: [84662.595643] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:38:22 localhost kernel: [84662.595664]  r10:84b45e74 r9:9a63cf80 r8:8013bc98 r7:87d88000 r6:00000000 r5:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:38:42 localhost kernel: [84662.595677]  r4:84bad180
Sep  4 04:39:02 localhost kernel: [84662.595700] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:39:26 localhost kernel: [84662.595716] Exception stack(0x87d89fb0 to 0x87d89ff8)
Sep  4 04:39:59 localhost kernel: [84662.595736] 9fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:40:30 localhost kernel: [84662.595756] 9fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:41:00 localhost kernel: [84662.595775] 9fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:41:33 localhost kernel: [84662.595795]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:42:03 localhost kernel: [84662.595808]  r4:84bad2c0
Sep  4 04:53:05 localhost kernel: [85961.420983] kworker/2:1H: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x40800(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_COMP), nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0
Sep  4 04:53:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421073] CPU: 2 PID: 23588 Comm: kworker/2:1H Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:54:09 localhost kernel: [85961.421083] Hardware name: BCM2835
Sep  4 04:54:52 localhost kernel: [85961.421128] Workqueue: kblockd blk_mq_run_work_fn
Sep  4 04:55:15 localhost kernel: [85961.421145] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:55:51 localhost kernel: [85961.421180] [<809eff28>] (dump_backtrace) from [<809f02b8>] (show_stack+0x20/0x24)
Sep  4 04:56:21 localhost kernel: [85961.421205]  r7:ffffffff r6:00000000 r5:60000193 r4:80fe5e94
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421232] [<809f0298>] (show_stack) from [<809f44c8>] (dump_stack+0xcc/0xf8)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421261] [<809f43fc>] (dump_stack) from [<803030a0>] (warn_alloc+0xd4/0x164)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421278]  r10:00040800 r9:80f05008 r8:ffffe000 r7:80d183f4 r6:00000000 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421289]  r4:80f05008 r3:f00ffb56
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421307] [<80302fcc>] (warn_alloc) from [<803041f0>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x10c0/0x1184)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421317]  r3:00000000 r2:80d183f4
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421331]  r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000008 r5:00000001 r4:00000800
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421350] [<80303130>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask) from [<803155e0>] (allocate_slab+0x2c4/0x360)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421366]  r10:ffffffff r9:00000001 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000008 r5:81401b40
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421374]  r4:00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421391] [<8031531c>] (allocate_slab) from [<80318adc>] (___slab_alloc.constprop.27+0x32c/0x56c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421410]  r10:b37cb670 r9:00000154 r8:81401b40 r7:00000000 r6:00000900 r5:81400ec0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421420]  r4:00000000 r3:003beee0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421436] [<803187b0>] (___slab_alloc.constprop.27) from [<80318d8c>] (__slab_alloc.constprop.26+0x70/0x80)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421454]  r10:0054c18e r9:00000154 r8:b37cb670 r7:806bcd24 r6:00000900 r5:81401b40
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421462]  r4:60000113
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421477] [<80318d1c>] (__slab_alloc.constprop.26) from [<803198d8>] (__kmalloc+0x578/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421492]  r8:00000900 r7:80f05804 r6:00000000 r5:00000000 r4:81401b40
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421523] [<80319360>] (__kmalloc) from [<806bcd24>] (bcm2835_dma_create_cb_chain+0x64/0x308)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421540]  r10:000d0418 r9:00000000 r8:7e202040 r7:00000002 r6:00000020 r5:81739040
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421551]  r4:00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421571] [<806bccc0>] (bcm2835_dma_create_cb_chain) from [<806bd520>] (bcm2835_dma_prep_slave_sg+0x140/0x318)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421588]  r10:40000000 r9:00000000 r8:8244a800 r7:00000002 r6:00000020 r5:00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421596]  r4:81739040
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421626] [<806bd3e0>] (bcm2835_dma_prep_slave_sg) from [<80827524>] (bcm2835_sdhost_request+0x4a4/0x70c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421643]  r10:806bd3e0 r9:8241c17c r8:81f29340 r7:810f2ebc r6:80f05008 r5:8241c0a8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421653]  r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421682] [<80827080>] (bcm2835_sdhost_request) from [<808065c0>] (__mmc_start_request+0x88/0x198)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421698]  r10:8241c000 r9:81f29000 r8:00000000 r7:81f29000 r6:8241c0a8 r5:8241c0a8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421706]  r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421725] [<80806538>] (__mmc_start_request) from [<80806764>] (mmc_start_request+0x94/0xbc)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421739]  r7:81f29000 r6:00000000 r5:8241c0a8 r4:81f29000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421757] [<808066d0>] (mmc_start_request) from [<8081a908>] (mmc_blk_mq_issue_rq+0x388/0x9e8)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421771]  r7:81f29000 r6:81f09608 r5:8241c0a8 r4:80f05008
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421787] [<8081a580>] (mmc_blk_mq_issue_rq) from [<8081b37c>] (mmc_mq_queue_rq+0x158/0x2a0)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421803]  r10:00000002 r9:81f096e0 r8:81f29000 r7:81f29800 r6:81f09610 r5:8241c000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421812]  r4:81f09608
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421830] [<8081b224>] (mmc_mq_queue_rq) from [<805f9640>] (blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0x12c/0x7dc)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421846]  r10:8241c000 r9:82400000 r8:81ef7400 r7:00000026 r6:81ef7400 r5:84aa1e3c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421855]  r4:8241c030
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421878] [<805f9514>] (blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list) from [<805ff0cc>] (__blk_mq_do_dispatch_sched+0x174/0x2b4)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421894]  r10:81ef7404 r9:816f1800 r8:00000000 r7:80f05008 r6:81ef7400 r5:84aa1e3c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421903]  r4:0000003b
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421922] [<805fef58>] (__blk_mq_do_dispatch_sched) from [<805ff4e4>] (__blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x17c/0x1b0)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421938]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:81ef7404 r7:80f05008 r6:84aa1e84 r5:00000001
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421946]  r4:81ef7400
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421965] [<805ff368>] (__blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests) from [<805ff7a4>] (blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x44/0x6c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421980]  r8:000000a0 r7:b37cd700 r6:b37c8840 r5:00000001 r4:81ef7400
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.421998] [<805ff760>] (blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests) from [<805f6a68>] (__blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xb0/0x14c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422009]  r5:00000001 r4:81ef7400
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422024] [<805f69b8>] (__blk_mq_run_hw_queue) from [<805f6b2c>] (blk_mq_run_work_fn+0x28/0x2c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422034]  r5:87de8b00 r4:81ef7440
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422056] [<805f6b04>] (blk_mq_run_work_fn) from [<8013b948>] (process_one_work+0x250/0x5a0)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422076] [<8013b6f8>] (process_one_work) from [<8013bcf8>] (worker_thread+0x60/0x5c4)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422091]  r10:b37c8840 r9:80f03d00 r8:b37c8858 r7:00000008 r6:b37c8840 r5:87de8b14
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422099]  r4:87de8b00
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422124] [<8013bc98>] (worker_thread) from [<80143790>] (kthread+0x170/0x174)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422140]  r10:a1697e74 r9:87de8b00 r8:8013bc98 r7:84aa0000 r6:00000000 r5:85e4a940
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422148]  r4:89c26f80
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422166] [<80143620>] (kthread) from [<801000ec>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422179] Exception stack(0x84aa1fb0 to 0x84aa1ff8)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422194] 1fa0:                                     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422209] 1fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422221] 1fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422239]  r10:00000000 r9:00000000 r8:00000000 r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:80143620
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422247]  r4:85e4a940
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422256] Mem-Info:
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283] active_anon:100469 inactive_anon:101101 isolated_anon:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283]  active_file:16 inactive_file:1267 isolated_file:101
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283]  unevictable:4 dirty:0 writeback:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283]  slab_reclaimable:3259 slab_unreclaimable:5233
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283]  mapped:6046 shmem:29927 pagetables:3109 bounce:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422283]  free:4078 free_pcp:169 free_cma:97
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422307] Node 0 active_anon:401876kB inactive_anon:404404kB active_file:64kB inactive_file:5068kB unevictable:16kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):404kB mapped:24184kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:119708kB writeback_tmp:0kB kernel_stack:2832kB all_unreclaimable? no
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422333] DMA free:16312kB min:16384kB low:20480kB high:24576kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:401876kB inactive_anon:404404kB active_file:156kB inactive_file:4436kB unevictable:16kB writepending:0kB present:917504kB managed:892584kB mlocked:16kB pagetables:12436kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:676kB local_pcp:248kB free_cma:388kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422342] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422367] DMA: 196*4kB (UEC) 144*8kB (UEC) 187*16kB (UME) 67*32kB (UME) 32*64kB (UME) 8*128kB (M) 5*256kB (UM) 4*512kB (UM) 2*1024kB (UM) 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 15520kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422493] 32002 total pagecache pages
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422510] 713 pages in swap cache
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422520] Swap cache stats: add 35821, delete 35108, find 13704/14891
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422528] Free swap  = 0kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422538] Total swap = 102396kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422546] 229376 pages RAM
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422553] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422559] 6230 pages reserved
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422567] 16384 pages cma reserved
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422581] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422596]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.422610]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.441887] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.441924]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.441936]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.451904] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.451936]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.451950]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.484374] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.484414]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.484426]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.491635] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.491653]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.491665]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.502580] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1, gfp=0x900(GFP_NOWAIT|__GFP_ZERO)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.502611]   cache: kmalloc-512, object size: 512, buffer size: 512, default order: 1, min order: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [85961.502624]   node 0: slabs: 89, objs: 1416, free: 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.267954] cron invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x100cca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268006] CPU: 2 PID: 25354 Comm: cron Tainted: G         C        5.10.52-v7+ #1441
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268013] Hardware name: BCM2835
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268021] Backtrace: 
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268071] [<809eff28>] (dump_backtrace) from [<809f02b8>] (show_stack+0x20/0x24)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268088]  r7:ffffffff r6:00000000 r5:60000113 r4:80fe5e94
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268110] [<809f0298>] (show_stack) from [<809f44c8>] (dump_stack+0xcc/0xf8)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268127] [<809f43fc>] (dump_stack) from [<809f27b8>] (dump_header+0x64/0x208)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268145]  r10:80f05184 r9:00100cca r8:00000000 r7:80d14680 r6:85380300 r5:a16f4d80
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268156]  r4:a14e7d50 r3:f00ffb56
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268179] [<809f2754>] (dump_header) from [<802b32f8>] (oom_kill_process+0x1b4/0x1c0)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268194]  r7:80d14680 r6:a14e7d50 r5:a16f5300 r4:a16f4d80
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268213] [<802b3144>] (oom_kill_process) from [<802b3e70>] (out_of_memory+0x2b8/0x390)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268226]  r7:80f08400 r6:80f05008 r5:a16f4d80 r4:a14e7d50
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268249] [<802b3bb8>] (out_of_memory) from [<8030391c>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x7ec/0x1184)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268262]  r7:8102d248 r6:00001000 r5:000013ef r4:00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268279] [<80303130>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask) from [<802ad828>] (pagecache_get_page+0x10c/0x34c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268297]  r10:810318db r9:00000070 r8:80f05a20 r7:820c8520 r6:00100cca r5:00000044
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268306]  r4:32e00001
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268323] [<802ad71c>] (pagecache_get_page) from [<802af788>] (filemap_fault+0x638/0xb20)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268338]  r10:80f05008 r9:a14e7ec8 r8:00000040 r7:83dee480 r6:a14e7ec8 r5:83dee480
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268347]  r4:820c8410
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268371] [<802af150>] (filemap_fault) from [<8042a77c>] (ext4_filemap_fault+0x38/0x4c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268388]  r10:a14e7fb0 r9:a14e7ec8 r8:00000040 r7:00000000 r6:76dac000 r5:a14e7ec8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268397]  r4:820c83f8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268422] [<8042a744>] (ext4_filemap_fault) from [<802e69f8>] (__do_fault+0x48/0x14c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268432]  r5:a1580840 r4:a14e7ec8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268454] [<802e69b0>] (__do_fault) from [<802ebbd0>] (handle_mm_fault+0xae8/0xe30)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268467]  r7:00000000 r6:76dac000 r5:80f05008 r4:00000254
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268487] [<802eb0e8>] (handle_mm_fault) from [<809ff928>] (do_page_fault+0x144/0x314)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268506]  r10:00000254 r9:00000000 r8:853f6444 r7:853f6400 r6:80000007 r5:76dacfe0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268514]  r4:a14e7fb0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268534] [<809ff7e4>] (do_page_fault) from [<801140d8>] (do_PrefetchAbort+0x48/0x9c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268552]  r10:0038fc28 r9:00000000 r8:a14e7fb0 r7:76dacfe0 r6:809ff7e4 r5:00000007
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268561]  r4:80f0ae38
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268579] [<80114090>] (do_PrefetchAbort) from [<80101024>] (ret_from_exception+0x0/0x1c)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268589] Exception stack(0xa14e7fb0 to 0xa14e7ff8)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268604] 7fa0:                                     76e867d4 0000000e 00000040 00000000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268619] 7fc0: 76e867d4 76f30bb0 76e86000 0000000e 0037e00c 00000000 0038fc28 003865d8
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268632] 7fe0: 00000000 7ecc5788 76daf180 76dacfe0 60000010 ffffffff
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268647]  r8:10c5387d r7:10c5383d r6:ffffffff r5:60000010 r4:76dacfe0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268658] Mem-Info:
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693] active_anon:100469 inactive_anon:101255 isolated_anon:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693]  active_file:119 inactive_file:751 isolated_file:32
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693]  unevictable:4 dirty:0 writeback:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693]  slab_reclaimable:3259 slab_unreclaimable:5224
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693]  mapped:5877 shmem:29927 pagetables:3140 bounce:0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268693]  free:4007 free_pcp:52 free_cma:97
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268721] Node 0 active_anon:401876kB inactive_anon:405020kB active_file:476kB inactive_file:3004kB unevictable:16kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:23508kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:119708kB writeback_tmp:0kB kernel_stack:2880kB all_unreclaimable? no
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268754] DMA free:16028kB min:16384kB low:20480kB high:24576kB reserved_highatomic:4096KB active_anon:401876kB inactive_anon:405020kB active_file:100kB inactive_file:3560kB unevictable:16kB writepending:0kB present:917504kB managed:892584kB mlocked:16kB pagetables:12560kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:208kB local_pcp:56kB free_cma:388kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268765] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.268819] DMA: 346*4kB (UMEHC) 187*8kB (UMEHC) 220*16kB (UMEH) 61*32kB (ME) 29*64kB (MEH) 10*128kB (MH) 4*256kB (M) 4*512kB (MH) 2*1024kB (MH) 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 16608kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269048] 31659 total pagecache pages
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269064] 713 pages in swap cache
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269080] Swap cache stats: add 35821, delete 35108, find 13704/14891
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269092] Free swap  = 0kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269104] Total swap = 102396kB
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269116] 229376 pages RAM
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269128] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269140] 6230 pages reserved
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269151] 16384 pages cma reserved
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269163] Tasks state (memory values in pages):
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269177] [  pid  ]   uid  tgid total_vm      rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269235] [    132]     0   132     8809      494   106496       16             0 systemd-journal
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269263] [    153]     0   153     4738      209    20480       15         -1000 systemd-udevd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269292] [    328]     0   328     1979      202    16384       17             0 dhclient
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269316] [    356]     0   356     3374      170    22528       10             0 systemd-logind
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269336] [    361] 65534   361     1167       49    14336        0             0 thd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269360] [    368]     0   368     6497      323    22528       34             0 rsyslogd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269381] [    372]   108   372     1694      238    16384        1             0 avahi-daemon
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269409] [    377]     0   377    15826      238    43008      163             0 udisksd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269429] [    382]     0   382     2081       59    18432        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269455] [    385]   108   385     1529       61    12288       11             0 avahi-daemon
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269475] [    400]   104   400     1824      215    18432        0          -900 dbus-daemon
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269499] [    402]     0   402     6914       33    18432        2             0 rngd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269524] [    412]     0   412     2686       92    20480        9             0 wpa_supplicant
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269544] [    470]     0   470      534        1     8192       25             0 hciattach
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269571] [    488]     0   488     4220      142    18432       63             0 monit
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269592] [    504]     0   504     9779      149    32768      220             0 polkitd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269618] [    505]   116   505    12022      267    36864      460             0 colord
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269640] [    547]   112   547     6192      235    32768      292             0 snmpd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269663] [    552]     0   552     2733       34    18432      117         -1000 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269683] [    556]     0   556    11769       81    28672      108             0 lightdm
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269708] [    586]     0   586    54795     3867   163840     2977             0 Xorg
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269731] [    590]     0   590     1456       13    14336      111             0 login
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269752] [    697]     0   697     7528       25    26624      165             0 lightdm
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269781] [    709]  1000   709     3681        6    22528      248             0 systemd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269802] [    712]  1000   712     4294      140    24576      314             0 (sd-pam)
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269825] [    782]     0   782    10066       37    24576      103             0 master
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269845] [    784]   111   784    10128       48    26624      105             0 qmgr
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269871] [    786]  1000   786    13699        0    43008      324             0 lxsession
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269891] [    797]  1000   797     1717        2    14336       99             0 dbus-daemon
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269913] [    798]   111   798    10184       54    24576      107             0 tlsmgr
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269933] [    809]  1000   809     2072        2    16384       86             0 bash
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269961] [    824]  1000   824     1130       11    14336       61             0 ssh-agent
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.269983] [    835]  1000   835    10899        2    32768      158             0 gvfsd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270005] [    840]  1000   840    13372        0    30720      160             0 gvfsd-fuse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270029] [    846]  1000   846    15911        2    47104      755             0 openbox
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270050] [    853]  1000   853    11875       77    45056      199             0 lxpolkit
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270075] [    860]  1000   860     1039        0    12288       71             0 unclutter
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270096] [    861]  1000   861   192947     9151   348160     2288             0 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270121] [    869]  1000   869     1130        1    14336       72             0 ssh-agent
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270145] [    872]  1000   872      485        0    12288       20             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270167] [    878]  1000   878    13065      652    59392     2692             0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270191] [    883]  1000   883    77968      154   190464     2898             0 zenity
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270213] [    902]     0   902     2538        2    18432       95             0 sudo
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270238] [    903]     0   903     7798       54    38912      566             0 piwiz
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270261] [    904]  1000   904    89207      110    34816      160             0 pulseaudio
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270284] [    914]   113   914     5884       10    20480       50             0 rtkit-daemon
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270305] [    984]  1000   984    53967      218   153600     1240             0 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270329] [    985]  1000   985    53967      528   153600      940             0 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270351] [    992]  1000   992    53967      567    94208      905             0 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270374] [   1030]  1000  1030    74136     2199   221184      806           200 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270397] [   1045]  1000  1045    67125     1079   180224     1026           200 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270419] [   1080]  1000  1080    80011     6815   229376     2198           200 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270441] [   1087]  1000  1087    57755      267   118784     1436           200 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270463] [   1108]  1000  1108    91614     4548   368640     1457           300 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270488] [   1505]   110  1505     2006       73    14336       29             0 ntpd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270511] [   1589]  1000  1589   241536   139210  1222656     2541           300 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270538] [   1419]     0  1419     2452       99    16384        0             0 bluetoothd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270561] [   1425]     0  1425     6677       82    24576        0             0 bluealsa
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270585] [   3508]     0  3508    11589      527    34816        0             0 cupsd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270607] [   3509]     0  3509    10468      543    36864        0             0 cups-browsed
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270633] [   3705]     7  3705     3545      160    22528        0             0 dbus
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270659] [  23594]     0 23594     2418       91    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270681] [  23601]     0 23601      485       13    12288        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270704] [  23605]     0 23605      485       28    10240        0             0 cron-apt
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270731] [  23950]     0 23950      485       28     8192        0             0 cron-apt
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270753] [  23953]     0 23953    15966     2560    69632        0             0 apt-get
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270781] [  24979]     0 24979     2418       95    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270881] [  24988]     0 24988      485       13    10240        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270908] [  24990]     0 24990     1919       37    16384        0             0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270941] [  24993]     0 24993     5885     1847    30720        0             0 python3
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.270982] [  25007]   111 25007    10086      140    22528        0             0 pickup
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271011] [  25177]  1000 25177    66275     1135   210944      820           300 chromium-browse
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271032] [  25218]     0 25218     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271056] [  25221]     0 25221      485       13    10240        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271082] [  25222]     0 25222     4091      130    22528        0             0 aplay
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271113] [  25224]     0 25224      485       13     8192        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271133] [  25226]     0 25226     1919       38    14336        0             0
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271159] [  25228]     0 25228     3659      695    22528        0             0 python3
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271178] [  25253]     0 25253     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271204] [  25259]     0 25259      485       13    12288        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271226] [  25260]     0 25260     1919       36    16384        0             0 update-resolv.c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271248] [  25265]     0 25265     1919       40    16384        0             0 ping-healthchec
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271273] [  25277]     0 25277     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271300] [  25278]     0 25278     3874       97    22528        0             0 curl
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271321] [  25281]     0 25281      485       17    10240        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271341] [  25282]     0 25282     1919       36    16384        0             0 update-resolv.c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271365] [  25287]     0 25287     1919       40    14336        0             0 ping-healthchec
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271385] [  25304]     0 25304     3874       94    22528        0             0 curl
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271411] [  25305]     0 25305     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271431] [  25306]     0 25306      485       13     8192        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271455] [  25307]     0 25307     1919       36    16384        0             0 update-resolv.c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271475] [  25312]     0 25312     1919       38    14336        0             0 ping-healthchec
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271499] [  25316]     0 25316     2733      146    20480        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271524] [  25319]     0 25319     2418       95    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271543] [  25321]     0 25321     2733      146    22528        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271568] [  25322]     0 25322     2638       74    14336        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271587] [  25330]     0 25330     3874       94    20480        0             0 curl
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271613] [  25333]     0 25333     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271633] [  25334]     0 25334     2418       93    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271657] [  25335]     0 25335     2638       71    16384        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271676] [  25336]     0 25336      485       16    10240        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271701] [  25337]     0 25337     2638       71    18432        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271724] [  25339]     0 25339     1919       34    16384        0             0 update-resolv.c
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271747] [  25340]     0 25340     2638       71    16384        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271770] [  25341]     0 25341     2418       86    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271791] [  25342]     0 25342     2638       71    16384        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271812] [  25343]     0 25343     2638       71    14336        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271836] [  25345]     0 25345     2061       44    16384        0             0 check-logrotate
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271857] [  25346]     0 25346     2281       75    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271881] [  25348]     0 25348     2281       74    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271903] [  25349]     0 25349     2594       66    16384        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271925] [  25351]     0 25351     2260       72    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271947] [  25353]     0 25353     2260       72    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271972] [  25354]     0 25354     2260       72    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.271992] [  25355]     0 25355     2260       72    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272018] [  25357]     0 25357     2260       72    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272038] [  25359]     0 25359     2448       57    16384        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272062] [  25360]     0 25360     2240       69    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272082] [  25362]     0 25362     2221       67    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272107] [  25363]     0 25363     2221       67    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272130] [  25364]     0 25364      474       13     8192        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272153] [  25365]     0 25365      485       18    12288        0             0 sh
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272178] [  25366]     0 25366     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272199] [  25367]     0 25367     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272224] [  25370]     0 25370     1911       39    14336        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272247] [  25371]     0 25371     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272269] [  25373]     0 25373     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272290] [  25379]     0 25379     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272315] [  25380]     0 25380     1195       26    12288        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272336] [  25381]     0 25381     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272360] [  25383]     0 25383     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272384] [  25385]     0 25385     2207       73    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272407] [  25386]     0 25386     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272427] [  25389]     0 25389     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272450] [  25391]     0 25391     2207       63    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272473] [  25392]     0 25392     2121       61    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272493] [  25394]     0 25394     2143       68    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272517] [  25395]     0 25395     2121       61    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272537] [  25397]     0 25397      438       18     8192        0             0 sshd
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272562] [  25398]     0 25398     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272582] [  25400]     0 25400     2081       59    16384        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272610] [  25401]     0 25401     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272630] [  25402]     0 25402     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272656] [  25406]     0 25406     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272676] [  25407]     0 25407     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272700] [  25409]     0 25409     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272722] [  25410]     0 25410     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272745] [  25412]     0 25412     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272769] [  25413]     0 25413     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272790] [  25415]     0 25415     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272813] [  25416]     0 25416     2081       59    14336        0             0 cron
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.272832] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/,task=chromium-browse,pid=1589,uid=1000
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.273073] Out of memory: Killed process 1589 (chromium-browse) total-vm:966144kB, anon-rss:549620kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:7220kB, UID:1000 pgtables:1194kB oom_score_adj:300
Sep  4 04:56:35 localhost kernel: [86177.693991] oom_reaper: reaped process 1589 (chromium-browse), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:7268kB
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-journald.service: Watchdog timeout (limit 3min)!
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-journald.service: Killing process 132 (systemd-journal) with signal SIGABRT.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoting known real-time threads.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Successfully demoted thread 904 of process 904 (n/a).
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoted 1 threads.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoting known real-time threads.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Successfully demoted thread 904 of process 904 (n/a).
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoted 1 threads.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoting known real-time threads.
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Successfully demoted thread 904 of process 904 (n/a).
Sep  4 04:56:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[914]: Demoted 1 threads.
Sep  4 04:56:48 localhost systemd[1]: Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage.
Sep  4 04:57:24 localhost kernel: [86228.121128] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:57:31 localhost kernel: [86234.367468] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:57:43 localhost kernel: [86246.842347] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:57:47 localhost kernel: [86251.018272] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
Sep  4 04:57:53 localhost kernel: [86257.241301] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)
Sep  4 04:58:02 localhost kernel: [86265.597890] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)

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