Archiv 31. März 2006

Freitag, 31. März 2006

Darud’s mood for merger

Secret sources claim that a merger is underway which will shake whole Neuenegg: Today, Darud Inc. approached CB Corp. for initial talks about the possibility of a merger. It could lead to a event never seen before and induce unprecedented moves. Analysts say the whole undertaking couldn’t be accomplished in more than two years which will give opponents time to settle all disputes about ownership. Although, economies of scale can fulfill their promise in this special case and could double ROI within a short period. „Economies of scale really do apply to this kind of merger very well“, said former spokesmen of Darud Inc., John „Lo“ Voitila, a few hours ago at a press meeting. Stay tuned for more breaking news about current events.

This is no Aprils fool joke.

Nachtrag (oder: 4 Monate später): Dieser Text wurde mit „mächtig viu promille im gsicht“ nach einer durchzechten Nacht verfasst und sollte den mitlesenden Kollegen von mir und Darud durch die Blume sagen, an welcher Flamme sich Rändolph damals die Finger verbrannte … Wer nichts versteht: Kein Problem, ich habe auch so meine Probleme mit dem Text *grins*

Labels: Neuenegg

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Freitag, 31. März 2006

Urtümliches GUI

Apples Dreissigster muss gehörig gefeiert werden. Natürlich machen auch die namhaften IT-News-Sites mit und haben bereits vor dem Jubiläumstag 1. April (kein Scherz!) erste Artikel veröffentlicht:

Ganz spannend finde ich Polaroid-Fotos von dem ersten von Apple entwickelten GUI für seine Lisa:

Apple’s Radical UI shift

Zwei Erkenntnisse: a) Menus unterhalb des Applikationsfensters? Scrollbars links?

Der „Durchbruch“ kam dann mit der Idee, die Menuleiste nicht am Applikationsfenster selbst, sondern immer am oberen Bildschirmrand anzuzeigen:

A look at the Lisa desktop

Dieses Konzept wird von vielen Usability-Experten demjenigen von Windows vorgezogen (das Menu haftet dort immer noch am Applikationsfenster selbst).

Nebenbei bemerkt: Ist meinen Lesern schon aufgefallen, dass ab Windows 95 bei Microsoft im Vergleich zu Mac OS immer alles spiegelverkehrt abläuft? Tjach, das ist halt das Problem, wenn man abkupfern muss. So befindet sich das Apfel-Menu (in Form eines Windows-Logos und „Start“-Aufschrift) wie auch die Uhrzeit bei Windows am unteren Bildschirmrand. Die Icons auf dem Desktop beginnen bei Apple rechts oben, bei Windows links oben. Die Knöpfe, um Windows-Fenster zu schliessen, sind in der Titelleiste rechts angeordnet, während man sie bei Mac OS X links antrifft. Der Mauszeiger unter Windows ist weiss ausgefüllt und schwarz umrahmt, bei Mac OS ist die Darstellung gerade umgekehrt.

Dank: Kollege Liechti

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Freitag, 31. März 2006

Muslime und Weltherrschaft

Ich, als Antwort auf einen doofen Artikel in einem Blog, das eigentlich alles über die Sci-Fi-Serie Battlestar Galactica besprechen sollte:

Let’s have a closer look:

„Muslims to spread their religion through war“ – Well, they kill people who don’t believe in Islam. But I’m not sure whether this can be called SPREADING a religion? I don’t recall anyone converting to Islam because of recent attacks. I wouldn’t even say „muslims“, since it’s only a minority of Muslim believers, also known als fundamentalists, who actually kill people. As long as they don’t have the means to kill billions of humans, i don’t see a threat. Does anyone have figures how much westerners actually have been killed by muslim fundamentalists?

„… but most are secular and don’t seem to spend a lot of time thinking much about it. This sounds like the United States.“ – In my eyes, those of a European citizen, I see the US as a very religious country. Well, at least your current ruling elite is know for its affection to Christianity. And since someone has to have voted for them, I assume voters tend to be religious too. Maybe I am wrong?

„This is similar to the Islamic belief that those who die in war will ascend to Paradise.“ – The belief you continue „living“ after death is common to Christian religions as well. Actually, I see the Cylons behaviour more as a reincarnation, aligning it with Buddism and other Asian religions, not primarily with Islam.

„The resurrection ship isn’t exactly Paradise, but the point is that for both Muslim and Cylon, death in battle doesn’t mean the end of existence.“ – I don’t remember a religion at all which states: „When you die, you vanish. No more consciousness, nothing. Finito“.

„Obviously similar to how the Muslims use suicide bombers to attack their enemies.“ – True, but: The Muslims didn’t invent it (well, in fact they did, but some centuries ago as a result of the crusades). Bombing is/was also common to the IRA in Ireland or the ETA in Spain. Both terrorist groups consisting of people with Christian belief.

„Similarly, the Muslims have a plan to take over the world by spreading all over and gradually edging out the other religions.“ – I guess the US is much closer to fulfill this „plan“ ;-) The US sports a well trained army, weapons of mass destruction and even the money to get closer to „ruling the world“ than any other power in history ever has.

„But the Muslims see it as part of their long-term plan to take over the world.“ – I guess there you really misinterpretatet the situation: I’m not sure at all whether you can even call them „the Muslims“ expressing they’re acting as a whole. Muslims aren’t lead centrally and most of them (maybe … 99%?) aren’t even aware of such a plan. Muslims are spread over the world, living in a lot of different countries, some not democratic at all. They’re not homogenous, but heterogenous and even form different religious movements like Sunnites or Shi’its.

But, of course, it is true that the numbers keep growing in the West. I’m just saying this growth isn’t based on an evil plan to take over the world. Reproduction, stupid. It just happens, but the outcome isn’t sure. Let’s hope for the good.

Conclusion: Your thesis doesn’t work out for me since it’s biased.

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