Archiv 1. Dezember 2007

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Neuenegg kriegt sein Pornosternchen

Lolita Bonita (Achtung: Diese Web-Site enthält pornographisches Bildmaterial und nicht jugendfreie Wörter)

Dank: Brotha Özel

Mal schauen, ob das Porno-Päärchen demnächst eine Hommage an Bernard und Bianca – Die Mäusepolizei produziert …

Labels: Neuenegg

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Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Die maximale Traglast ist erreicht

We cannot come to terms with the fact that as a species we have gone beyond the ability of the planet to accommodate us. We have bred ourselves beyond the limits. We have consumed, polluted, and expanded beyond our means, and after several thousand years of superficial technological solutions we are now running short of answers. Biologists explain such expansion in terms of „carrying capacity“: lemmings and snowshoe hares — and a great many other species — have the same problem; overpopulation and over-consumption lead to die-off.

Quelle: The First Days Of Petro Collapse

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Labels: Allgemein

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