Posts Tagged ‘Wirtschaftskrise’

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Die Wirtschaftskrise hat wohl doch was genützt

A whole class of companies forced into existence, forced to be lean, forced to be profitable. Nothing is so bad it’s not good for something.

Quelle: Being a starter in a recession – (37signals)

Drücken wir den Newcomern die Daumen, während die alten, im Grunde erfahrenen Hasen ihre Ölbohrplattformen im Meer versenken, sich weiterhn Millionen-Boni auszahlen und in den unteren Chargen massiv Stellen kürzen.

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Montag, 31. Mai 2010

Haben sich die Griechen wirklich Zeit gekauft?

The highlight of the 14 minute set of snapshots was when one of the hosts pointed out that the Greek bailout had „bought time“ to find a solution… even if there was no solution. Marc [Faber] agreed emphatically, much to the distress of his regular followers, before rounding off his sarcasm with the old alcohol analogy: The best way to forestall a hangover is to keep on drinking and drinking through the next day… until you collapse.

Quelle: Germans and Greeks Buying Gold

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Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

Wieso sind die Kommunisten die erfolgreicheren Kapitalisten?

How can a nation of 1.3 billion people under control of the Communist Party become the most dynamic, most capitalistic, most success-oriented race in the world? How can they grow their capital wealth at 3 to 10 times the rate of the US – when America is supposed to be the „most flexible and most sophisticated“ economy in the world? […]

So how is it possible that people who just discovered capitalism 20 years ago could do a better job of it than Harvard grads motivated by million-dollar bonuses? How could a smart guy, with the best financial education that money could buy, with hundreds of years of capitalism behind him, backed by a government that professes to want to help him and flanked by almost unlimited capital, technology, and expertise, fall right on his face? How did so many winners turn into losers?

Quelle: Emerging Markets vs. Submerging Economies

Das sollte uns wirklich zu denken geben.

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Labels: USA, Wirtschaft

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Freitag, 19. Februar 2010

Arme, arme Wallstreet-Banker …

When challenged, they talk about how hard they work, the 90-hour weeks, the stress, the failed marriages, the hemorrhoids and gallstones they all get before they hit 40.

„But wait a minute,“ you say to them. „No one ever asked you to stay up all night eight days a week trying to get filthy rich shorting what’s left of the American auto industry or selling $600 billion in toxic, irredeemable mortgages to ex-strippers on work release and Taco Bell clerks. Actually, come to think of it, why are we even giving taxpayer money to you people? Why are we not throwing your ass in jail instead?“

Quelle: The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone

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Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010

Neuestes Mitglied der PIIGS: USA!

It won’t take investors long to figure out that there isn’t a whole lot of difference between Greece’s finances and those of the US. Each has about the same amount of debt and the same size deficit, relative to GDP. The big difference is that the US ultimately controls the currency in which its debt is calibrated. Greece does not. Neither does California.

Quelle: USA Has Fives Times As Much Sovereign Debt As All the PIIGS Put Together

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Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Äusserst beunruhigende Aussichten

Coming right to the point, the fixers face not just one crisis, but many. They have a growth model that no longer works. They have aging populations and social welfare obligations that can’t be met. They have limits on available resources, including the most basic ones – land, water, and energy. They have a money system headed for a crack-up, and an economic theory that was only effective when it wasn’t necessary. Now that it is needed, the Keynesian fix is useless. If a recovery depends on borrowed money, what do you do when lenders won’t give you any?

Quelle: Economists With Their One-stop Solution: Stimulate Consumer Spending

Ich werde es garantiert noch erleben, wenn uns der Scheiss um die Ohren fliegt …

Bonner geht in einem früheren Artikel noch etwas genauer auf das „Problem“ ein:

With 6 billion people now competing for stuff, the whole idea of having a lot of stuff is being called into question. In the first place, there’s not enough stuff around to permit everyone to have as much as Americans – at least not without some huge technological breakthroughs. In the second place, Americans have run out of money to buy stuff. In the third place, it takes a lot of energy to make and transport so much stuff; the US no longer has access to cheap energy. And finally, the US economic model – in which growth is a result of stimulating consumers to buy more stuff – no longer works.

Quelle: Supposed to Believe Investors Can Avoid Calamities of Past by Studying Previous Market Cycles

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Labels: Gesellschaft, Politik

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Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

Beinfreiheit bei Lufthansa?

Die Lufthansa muss ihre Kosten senken. Deshalb will der designierte Konzernchef Christoph Franz an der Beinfreiheit seiner Kunden sparen. Ein kluger Schachzug, denn damit unterstellt er zugleich, dass es bisher Beinfreiheit gab in seinen Jets.

Quelle: SPIEGEL ONLINE – Druckversion – Weltkrise privat: Der geheime Sparplan der Lufthansa – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten – Wirtschaft

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Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

Der wahre Grund hinter Ali Kebap

Die ganze Schweiz kennt ihn mittlerweile: Den Kebapbrater, den Hotelbesitzer und Pilot in Personalunion: Ali! Mit dieser schweizweiten Plakataktion zeigt die APG wieder einmal die bleibende Wirkung von Plakatwerbung auf.

Sollte man deshalb der Marketingabteilung des Unternehmens gratulieren? Nun, ich vermute seit Beginn der Kampagne, dass dahinter mehr steckt als reine Eigenwerbung.

Ein Blick in die Tagespresse und die Wirtschaftsblätter der Nation bestätigen meinen Eindruck:

Die Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft (APG) wappnet sich mit einer Reorganisation für die anhaltende Krise am Werbemarkt. Dabei fallen in der ganzen Schweiz 20 Vollzeitstellen weg.

Quelle: APG baut 20 Stellen ab

Schlussendlich ist Ali also nicht viel mehr als ein Platzhalter für Plakatwerbung, die schlicht und ergreifend nicht mehr geschaltet wird. APG wäre ja sonderlich blöd, wenn man bei einer riesigen Nachfrage nach Plakatfläche das Angebot künstlich verknappen würde. Ali hat höchstens interne Verrechnungen im Konzern zur Folge, ohne dass irgendeine Wertschöpfung stattfindet.

Natürlich kann man nun argumentieren: Aber der Bekanntheitsgrad der APG steigt doch mit dieser Aktion! Veto — ein Unternehmen, dass 75 Prozent Marktanteil hält, hat Eigenwerbung wohl kaum nötig.

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Labels: Schweiz, Wirtschaft

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Samstag, 7. November 2009

Geschenk an die nächste Generation

We might also say that there is something tawdry about insisting that modern living standards are not negotiable and must be preserved with high public sector debt. In effect, today’s policy makers are saying to the future, „Our current well-being and comfort is more important than any debt you may have to repay. We refuse to live within our means because it would inconvenience us to do so. We are too lazy and selfish to recognise our financial mistakes and pay for them. We’re going to leave that to you. Suckers!“

Quelle: More Money in Cash Right Now Than Equity in U.S. Companies

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Montag, 26. Oktober 2009

Aktienrallies der letzten 10 Jahre

„The only thing we really learned in this extremely flashy, seven-month, 60%, nine-point multiple expansion-led rally, is that momentum investing never did become extinguished this cycle. It is really a fascinating commentary on human behavior that so many ‚investors‘ are lamenting about how ‚the train has left the station‘ without them. Please, give us a giant break! The train has left the station countless of times in the last 10 years but obviously none of these trips lasted very long because the reality is that equities have failed to generate any positive return over this time interval.

Quelle: Bear Market Bounce a Sure Thing

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