Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009
Eigentlich könnte man meinen, dass Bill von der Schweizerischen SVP eingeladen worden wäre (beide haben die Ideologie in etwa auf derselben Bühne), doch dann würde er doch nicht derart schmeichelhaft über unser Land sprechen:
I was in Switzerland last week and I did not see any litter on the street. Let me repeat: I drove hundreds of miles there was no litter anywhere. Switzerland is the cleanest country in the world.
And I went there to look at the Swiss environmental approach. The place is stunning! There are 7.5 … there are 12.5 I should say million people living in Switzerland … 22 % foreign born but apparently they are all greens according to environmental performance index. Switzerland is Number 1 in the world.
Health care is mandatory for the Swiss, but the government does not pay. And the worker, and the company that he works for, do. However the poor receives subsidies from the government, you can choose your own doctor there.
Retirements also funded by workers, not by the government. By law, retirement contributions are deducted from all pay checks. Companies are also required to pay into retiree accounts.
If you want to become a Swiss citizen … they don’t want you! It takes 12 years or longer and you can be rejected without a reason. If you sneak in there, they’ll boot you right out.
Income taxes top out at 40 %, just about like here. There are a number of other taxes, like here. But very little poverty, not like here. Only 3 % of Swiss citizens run on welfare.
So the country works and our leaders should be studying it. They should also stay at the Palace Hotel in Gstaad – it’s a great place.
Quelle: Schweizer: «Sie sind alle grün»
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