Archiv ‘USA’

Freitag, 16. April 2010

Guerilla Public Service auf dem 110er in LA

An artist named Richard Ankrom had the same experience, and so he did what any fed-up Los Angeles driver would do: He created a simple directional tool to help drivers prepare for the 5’s poorly marked hairpin exit. He designed and sewed a Caltrans uniform, cut the shield-like „5“ shape as well as a „NORTH“ from sheet metal, and affixed reflectors to match the existing system. He even gave the signage a nice dusting of L.A. smog sheen so it wouldn’t look glaringly new. On August 5, 2001, in broad daylight, he hoisted a ladder onto Gantry 21300, walked onto a catwalk above one of the city’s busiest arteries, and installed his own freeway sign. …

Ankrom called his piece „guerrilla public service,“ and that it was: His action quickly and seamlessly alleviated millions of headaches for those who were able to make their transition to the 5 somewhat less hairy. (Can you imagine how long it would have taken to petition Caltrans the old-fashioned way?)

Quelle: The Secret of L.A.\’s 10-Year-Old Fake Freeway Sign – Traffic – Jalopnik

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Mittwoch, 14. April 2010

Häppchen von The Economist (Ausgabe vom 10. April 2010)


In its case against the FCC, Comcast argued that peer-to-peer file-sharing was hogging bandwidth. It was. But the most efficient way to allocate bandwidth among customers is to charge heavy users higher prices, which Comcast chose not to do. The real sin, then, was that the file-sharers wanted a service that Comcast did not care to provide. This is not a moral issue, but a market failure.

Quelle: Comcast v the FCC: Raze the mystery house | The Economist


… The federal tax code, which was 400 pages long in 1913, has swollen to about 70,000. … even the head of the Internal Revenue Service, Douglas Shulman, gets someone else to do his taxes. …

Every wrinkle in the tax code represents a favour to some group. It could be a small group, such as loggers, or a huge one, such as homeowners. Politicians use the tax code to encourage things they like, such as driving hybrid cars, and to discourage things they don’t like, such as work. A typical loophole has passionate defenders but no opponents. Those who benefit from it, benefit a lot. Those who would gain from its repeal (ie, taxpayers in general), have never heard of it. So the mess gets ever messier. Happy April 15th.

Quelle: April 15th: The joy of tax | The Economist

Männermangel unter den Afroamerikanern in den USA

“I thought I was a catch,” sighs an attractive black female doctor at a hospital in Washington, DC. Black men with good jobs know they are “a hot commodity”, she observes. When there are six women chasing one man, “It’s like, what are you going to do extra, to get his attention?” Some women offer sex on the first date, she says, which makes life harder for those who prefer to combine romance with commitment. She complains about a recent boyfriend, an electrician whom she had been dating for about six months, whose phone started ringing late at night. It turned out to be his other girlfriend. Pressed, he said he didn’t realise the relationship was meant to be exclusive.


Im Schnellzug in 48 Stunden von London nach Shanghai

As for high-speed railways, from a standing start China’s are the world’s fastest and longest. The government has plans to roll out a high-speed network across Asia and even Europe. It proposes three main routes to connect two dozen countries, from Singapore in the south to Germany in the west (with a tunnel from mainland China to Taiwan to boot). By 2025, if the railway ministry is to be believed, it will take two days to travel from Shanghai to London.


Wie man früher nach Kriegen Besitzfragen klärte

WHEN the tribes of ancient Israel defeated the Midianites, the victors got the losers’ 675,000 sheep, 72,000 oxen, 61,000 asses and 32,000 female virgins (males and non-virgin women were slaughtered), as well as the gold and jewels. The biblical account suggests that, in that era at least, this was a standard post-conflict resolution of property questions.


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Sonntag, 11. April 2010

Der Service Public kostet halt etwas …

Every April 15th right-wing activists who enjoy clean drinking water, snow removal, roads, police & fire protection, the National Guard, college, schools for their children, state parks, and countless other amenities, bemoan the fact they actually have to pay for them.

Quelle: Reddit : politics

Der 15. April wird wohl der us-amerikanische Stichtag sein, an welchem man seine jährliche Steuerschuld abgearbeitet hat und nun in die eigene Tasche wirtschaftet. Wann ist dieser Tag eigentlich in der Schweiz? Und noch viel wichtiger: Wie berechnet man den? Mit dem Durchschnittslohn und der Durchschnittssteuerhöhe?

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Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Die US Army praktiziert Collateral Murder

Wikileaks hat gestern endlich ein Video veröffentlicht, die die „Eliminierung“ von „Terroristen“ durch eine us-amerikanische Apache-Crew über Bagdad zeigt:

Der Pilot und sein Schütze haben dabei einen Photojournalisten, „bewaffnet“ mit seiner Kamera und für seinen Beruf dementsprechend anständigen Linse, irrtümlich als RPG-tragenden Terroristen identifiziert, weshalb die ganze Menschenansammlung sterben musste. Unter den Toten waren auch die zwei irakischen Reuters-Journalisten.

So sieht also Krieg im 21. Jahrhundert aus …

Das Video wurde Wikileaks durch einen Whistleblower im Verteidigungsministerium übermittelt, da sich die Behörde bis heute weigert, das Material gemäss dem Freedom of Information Act öffentlich zugänglich zu machen.

Mittlerweile hat das tragische Ereignis auch Reddit erreicht, wo die ersten „lustigen“ Kommentare online kommen. Hier zwei ausgewählte Fotos:

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Sonntag, 28. März 2010

Der Segen der US-Immigrationspolitik

Indeed, if you need any more convincing about the virtues of immigration, just come to the Intel science finals. I am a pro-immigration fanatic. I think keeping a constant flow of legal immigrants into our country — whether they wear blue collars or lab coats — is the key to keeping us ahead of China. Because when you mix all of these energetic, high-aspiring people with a democratic system and free markets, magic happens. If we hope to keep that magic, we need immigration reform that guarantees that we will always attract and retain, in an orderly fashion, the world’s first-round aspirational and intellectual draft choices.

Quelle: Op-Ed Columnist – America’s Real Dream Team –

Labels: Politik, USA

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Dienstag, 23. März 2010

Private oder öffentliche Wasserversorgung?

In England, 100% of the people get their water from private sources, and they have just 10 water systems. Even in France, 90% of the people get their water from private companies. In the US, we let government officials run amok. It was not always so. In 1850, about 80% of the country got its water from private companies. By 1900, it was 50%. So we’ve taken decades to get where we are today. Where we are today is an expensive place to be.

Quelle: Water Supply of America is Becoming Unreliable

Interessanter Artikel — insbesondere im Lichte, dass in Neuenegg derzeit Bestrebungen im Gange sind, die vielen kleinen, genossenschaftlichen Wasserversorgungen der einzelnen Bezirke, zusammenzulegen.

Eine Wasserversorgungsgesellschaft für knapp 5000 Einwohner? Nun, in den USA sieht man diese kleine Grösse als äusserst kritisch:

First, there are way too many systems. We have 55,000 water systems in this country. Second, most are too small, serving fewer than 3,000 people. The whole thing is inefficient, like trying to sled uphill.

Labels: Neuenegg, USA

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Dienstag, 2. März 2010

Kleingedrucktes in us-amerikanischen Krankenversicherungen

Your gall bladder may have to come out, but it’s much harder to face the booby-trap clause in your health insurance that will result in you getting stuck with a $123,000 bill for surgery and attendant procedures (including the $500 tylenols). Three months later, of course, the re-po man is towing your car and the mortgage „servicer“ has foreclosed on your house, and your life (even without that pesky gall bladder) has become a permanent camping trip next to a drainage ditch.

Quelle: Winter Mind Games – Clusterfuck Nation

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Montag, 1. März 2010

Spannung, Spiel und … Fondue!

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Olympic International Houses
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Skate Expectations

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Freitag, 19. Februar 2010

Arme, arme Wallstreet-Banker …

When challenged, they talk about how hard they work, the 90-hour weeks, the stress, the failed marriages, the hemorrhoids and gallstones they all get before they hit 40.

„But wait a minute,“ you say to them. „No one ever asked you to stay up all night eight days a week trying to get filthy rich shorting what’s left of the American auto industry or selling $600 billion in toxic, irredeemable mortgages to ex-strippers on work release and Taco Bell clerks. Actually, come to think of it, why are we even giving taxpayer money to you people? Why are we not throwing your ass in jail instead?“

Quelle: The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone

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Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

Fehlen uns die Produzenten?

As much as we like to think of our culture as being entrepreneurial, the reality is 99% of our top talent doesn’t seriously contemplate starting companies. Colleges crank out tons of extremely smart and well-educated kids every year. The vast majority go into “administrative” careers that don’t really produce anything – law, banking and consulting. Most of the rest join big companies. As I’ve argued many times before, big companies (with a few notable exceptions) aren’t nearly as successful as startups at creating new products.

Quelle: Every time an engineer joins Google, a startup dies – chris dixon’s blog

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Labels: Arbeit, Gesellschaft, USA, Wirtschaft

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